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Aje Candle
$25.00C-100Goddess of wealth, economics and business. Very powerful entity to work with to establish wealth and growing economics in your life. She is a mainstay in my life and works well with my wealth team. She is also known to visit you during dream state to point you in prosperous directions. Sit with her 10-15 minutes per day as you burn her candles. Add her candles for continuous burn on your wealth or business altars. Pure soy wax and clean burning.
Better Business Candle
$25.00C-027Get your business moving in the right direction. Blended to increase client base and client retention, boost sales and grow your business, this candle is a necessity for weekly work while you build your business.
Pot of Gold Candle
$33.00C-153One of the most dynamic money candles from Magickal Mystic yet, Pot of Gold is the energetic equivalent to striking gold. It’s a by any means wealth candle that brings money quickly! Pot of Gold is blended with the energy of luck, good fortune, opulence and lasting wealth. Combined energies of Jupiter, Mars and the Sun add precision and expansion. Plutus/Pluton, Clauneck, Aje, Oya, Lakshmi, Horus, Caishen, Hotei, Fortuna, Laima, Ostara, the muses are all invoked to further power this blend and the energy of Mercury further adds clarity and speed. Several quiet hands of power are also infused.