• Abundance Bath

    Abundance smells like fresh spring, new opportunities and options. Energetically charged to open doors of abundance in all areas.

    • Abundance
    • Prosperity
    • wealth


  • Accumulation Money Bath

    Accumulation is blended to work across the spectrum to bring in money and accumulate wealth on your behalf. Pour this ritually infused blend into your hot bath or soak and allow yourself to absorb the energy and essence of lasting wealth.

    • energy bath
    • money bath
    • wealth bath


  • Adore Me Bath

    Get that TLC you so rightfully deserve.

    • Get Pampered
    • Love and Sex


  • Ambition Bath

    Blended and infused to help you tap into your inner fortitude and motivation, this blend is a great way to start your day. Add half a pack to your bath as the water runs. Allow yourself to absorb the essences all around you and to recharge your energetic body. Great also for foot spas and can be added to your water while getting a pedicure.

    • bath salts
    • Inner fortitude
    • motivation
    • refill energy


  • Ascension Survival Bath

    Blended to alleviate the burden of ascension on your energetic body and to balance your energies as well as ground out excessive energy taken on through the process.

    • ascension sickness
    • Healing and Restoratiion
    • ringing ears


  • Auset Bath

    Auset, the Kemetic deity often syncretized to Isis, is one of the oldest and purest versions of the divine feminine and represents the giver of life and guide through life and the afterlife. She is Creatrix and Protectress. She is a proponent for the evolution and elevation of humankind and is often said to be a teacher of arts, writing and agriculture. She is divine and she is royalty and is often honored as queen. Work with Auset to bring new life, expansion and wisdom into your life. Great also for those who want to learn magick, natural arts and other wise workings. She is a walker of veils and an initiator.

    • Auset
    • energy bath
    • magick bath


  • BD Energy Bath

    Boss diva, boldly divine, big dawg energy… this is courage and boldness in a bag.

    • bath salts
    • BD Energy
    • courage
    • Spiritual Power


  • Beautiful Bath

    Be beautiful. Do beautiful things. Have a beautiful experience. Beautiful is about complete satisfaction with your life and trust in your journey, so much so that you allow yourself to enjoy EACH part- rain, sleet, snow, sun, light or darkness… each part! Beautiful shifts your mood, increases your creativity, amplifies your pleasure, releases guilt, releases shame, removes unnecessary weight off your shoulders. It’s a beautiful life and that’s your truth!

    • Be Do Have
    • Beautiful
    • Manifestation bath


  • Black Gold Bath

    Amplify the power of your melanin, call forth the ingenuity and power of your bloodline back to its origins, put forth a cosmic demand for what is due to the lineage in your physical reality, pull in high level opportunities, multiply your income, increase wisdom exponentially, and align with the golden era of your life.

    • ancestor
    • bath blend
    • bath salts
    • Black Excellence
    • Black Gold


  • Bloodline Cleanse Bath

    Clear your bloodline of binds, hexes, bad juju of any type, and disconnect from illnesses that run through the family. Great for clearing generational debt and can be paired with Soul Cleanse and Healing Arts for a transformative experience.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Ancestry
    • Healing and Restoratiion
    • lineage


  • Caress Bath

    The sweetness of life, relaxation and being loved.

    • Bath salt
    • Get Pampered
    • Love and Sex


  • Chosen Bath

    Prepare a soak in the energy of divine favor and cosmic support, great for shifting the energy around you and the response you get from others as you go about your day.

    • blessed bath
    • Chosen
    • divine favor
    • favor bath


  • Desirable Bath

    Desirable is the magick of attraction, attention, passion and pleasure wrapped in beneficial and loving energy. It is a powerful enchantment set with sigils and sex magick. Wonderful as an amplifier for your love, sex or attraction bath ritual or infusions.

    • attraction magick
    • bath magick
    • Desirable
    • Love magick


  • Divine Surplus Bath

    Divine Surplus is the energy of overflow in your life, the energy of plentitude. It is an easier wealth, a flowing surplus to operate from for the entirety of your life.

    • cosmic abundance
    • Divine Surplus
    • money bath
    • overflow
    • plentitude
    • wealth bath


  • Easy Street Bath

    Soak in the luxuriating bath blend hand created by Emme Rain herself. This blend is meant to draw sweeter and easier circumstances into your life in all aspects in which you may be currently struggling. Run bath as warm as you can stand it and pour in your salts. Set your intention and hold it as you add the magick to your bath. For added kick, add a dropper of the oil as well. Then get in and allow your body to absorb the magick. Pairs well with Frequency, R$ch B$tch, Adore Me, Enchantment, Exalted and Chosen.

    • bath blend
    • bath salts
    • Easy Street
    • healing bath
    • love bath
    • money bath


  • EMerge Bath

    EMerge is the premium sexually charged power bath you need to balance your energy and re-establish your focus.

    • bath blend
    • Bath salt
    • Clarity and Direction
    • EMerge
    • water magick


  • Emmebodiment Bath

    • bath blends
    • Bath salt
    • herbal blends


  • EmmeBossed Money Bath

    Based off the signature scent of the bestselling EmmeBossed fragrance, this bath carries the vibrations, the smell and power of money, wealth and opulence. Charged with the energy of Emme Rain’s personal wealth spirit team, this infused money bath is guaranteed to become one of your favorite indulgences.

    • EmmeBossed
    • luxury bath
    • money bath


  • Enchantment Bath

    Bathe or soak in this salt blended bath used to infuse you with the essence of adoration, love, power and position. Add half a pack to your bath water or foot soak and allow yourself to absorb the essence of attraction and appeal to anyone you want, or the masses as a whole.

    • Love and Sex
    • magical bath
    • spiritual bath
    • Spiritual Power


  • Fast Money Bath

    Used to draw money quickly. Soak in the ambiance of money.

    • bath salts
    • Fast Money
    • money bath
    • Prosperity


  • FemiVinity Bath

    Unlock the power of your lower chakras and fuel your sacral chakra with this FemiVinity bath.

    • balancing bath
    • Chakra bath
    • Chakra Care
    • divine feminine


  • Fulfillment Bath

    Be fulfilled in life by doing the self love work that you so richly deserve. This bath is infused with the energy of self-fulness and heart healing energy. Very powerful vibe, extra charged with lunar and solar energy.

    • Get Pampered
    • Prosperity
    • wellness bath
    • wholeness


  • Get Money Bath

    Infused with the essence of wealth, abundance, and opulence, this is the premium bath blend for those who desire wealth.

    • bath salts
    • money bath
    • Prosperity


  • Glamour Me Bath

    The energy of beauty, desire and happiness in one bath blend. A beautiful experience!

    • aura magick
    • beauty
    • desire
    • Get Pampered
    • glamours


  • Goddess Bath

    The primordial and solar goddess bath blend. Very powerful juju in a bath.

    • bath salts
    • energy bath
    • goddess
    • Spiritual Power


  • Healing Arts Bath

    Infused with healing essence and Reiki charged, this blend adds healing to both your physical and nonphysical bodies, including mental and emotional.

    • Healing and Restoratiion


  • Impenetrable Defense Bath

    Protection and aura sealing bath designed to keep you energetically clean and clear of any baneful energy.

    • aura bath
    • bath salts
    • Protection
    • Protection bath


  • Inanna Bath

    Inanna is a goddess that represents conquering and overcoming all obstacles and she is a guide for the divine feminine. She is great to summon during times of seeking raises and promotions, shifts in the dynamics of personal relationships and more.

    • goddess of political power
    • Inanna
    • queen of heaven
    • Sumerian goddess


  • Influential Bath

    • bath blend
    • bath herbs
    • bath magick
    • bath salts


  • Just Desserts Bath

    Just Desserts is a triple blended product, created to attract back what you have given out when reciprocity is slow in coming from those you've helped. However, it can be used to cast karmic debt or weight on others who have wronged you as well. Ultimately, it is all about you feeling good and getting what you deserve.

    • infused bath
    • Just Desserts
    • reciprocity
    • spoiled


  • Key of Me Bath

    Key of Me bath is a blend of herbs and essences that help you tap into the truth of yourself. It has a clearing and healing effect. It also has a calming effect on the mind and heart. Our customers rank this one of our top 10 bath blends.

    • confidence
    • courage
    • self honor
    • Self love


  • Kubera Wealth Bath

    Kubera, god of wealth and lasting abundance. He is a god who secures an inheritance for generations to come. Kubera calls his students higher, helping them to embrace divinity as a reality. But his nature is one of abundance and opulence. He balances the spiritual and natural in a harmonious way in your life. He guides toward lasting wealth and shows how to implement long term wealth producers in your life.

    • Kuber
    • Kubera
    • money bath
    • water magick
    • wealth bath


  • Lasting Love Bath

    Draw love into your life.

    • infused baths
    • Love and Sex
    • marriage
    • Relationships


  • Lucifer Energy Bath

    Lucifer opens you up to truth, helps you pull in knowledge that shifts how you live and makes ascension easier. He is an expansive agent in the Universal, starting with your mind and then heart and then reality. This bath magick enhances your frequency and how others respond to you.

    • angel of light
    • dark one
    • father of light
    • Lucifer


  • Lux of Lakshmi Bath

    For wealth, cheerfulness and high vibes

    • bath salts
    • energy bath
    • Lakshmi
    • Prosperity


  • Luxurious Infused Bath

    This Lakshmi inspired blend is filled with the vibrations of lushness, abundance, love, adoration, and self acceptance. In short, it is a celebration of life. This bath is infused for wealth, opulence and success. Very powerful energy  and the magick is undeniable!

    • Lakshmi inspired
    • Luxurious
    • money bath
    • opulence


  • Magnetic Energy Bath

    Universal Attraction! I know you’re tired of working for every good thing that comes your way. Attraction is the answer and no other product on the market holds more power of Universal pull than Magnetic! Created to amplify your ability to call what you most desire, this bath infuses your energetic body with the law of attraction and elevates your frequency.

    • bath salts
    • enchantment
    • law of attraction
    • Magnetic
    • Universal attraction


  • Mesmerize Alluring Bath

    Treat your body is a temple. This bath blend is mesmerizing, enchanting, alluring, and brings on favorable results everywhere you go. The smell will garner you compliments and you will feel truly empowered. Run an extra warm bath and add half the pack to it. Then enjoy absorbing the magick and essences into yourself and shifting your aura.

    • Alluring energy
    • aura bath
    • bath blend
    • enchantment


  • Millionaires Bath

    The bath of millionaires, energy infused to make you look, feel and smell like a million bucks and draw new opportunities into your life.

    • Millionaires
    • MMM
    • money bath
    • Prosperity
    • Spiritual Power


  • Muses Bath

    • bath magick
    • Inspiration
    • Muses
    • water magick


  • Nyx Primordial Bath

    Soak in this delicious scent of feminine power and untapped potential. Nyx is a primordial creator goddess, one who balances energies and transmutes that which no longer serves.

    • bath magick
    • Nyx
    • primordial bath
    • water magick
    • wearable magick


  • Open Roads Bath

    This bath is blended to help you clear your roads and create a better energetic flow in your life. It’s foundational for healing and health, for relationships and for wealth. Open all channels of beneficial energetic flow today with this infused bath.

    • clearing paths
    • road opener
    • Road opener bath


  • Oshun Beauty Bath

    Infuse your day with beauty, brilliance and bountifulness.

    • beauty bath
    • feel beautiful
    • Get Pampered
    • Ochun
    • Oshun


  • Pay Me Bath

    Recall your money, your time and your energy. Pay Me is to demand and receive a return on every investment you have put out there and swiftly. There are 4 power amplifiers in this ritually infused bath blend.

    • debt bath
    • money bath
    • money recall
    • time recall


  • Phoenix Bath

    Bath in the luxurious and protective aroma of the phoenix and allow yourself to absorb the courage and bold moves that resonate with that energy.

    • bath salts
    • blessed baths
    • Phoenix
    • Protection
    • Spiritual Power


  • Pomba Gira Bath

    Goddess of love, lust and pleasure. Pomba Gira helps to open up your pleasure centers and teaches you how to receive pleasure sexually, physically and financially. She brings true power into your life, personal power and helps you to have more resolve with your life's direction. This bath is ritually blessed to help you connect with her with ease. It is intentioned for love, lust and power and ready to be used for whatever your personal intentions are.

    • goddess of love
    • lust
    • Pomba Gira
    • sex


  • Qetesh Bath

    Goddess of love, sex, fertility and seduction, this goddess is a movement for those seeking to embrace their divine femininity. She was considered the mistress or confidant of the gods. She was one of the most trusted energies of ancient times. She is considered the mistress of magic and one of the most powerful conjurers. She teaches the dark arts and assists with obtaining positions of power and trust.

    • pleasure bath
    • power bath
    • Qetesh
    • sex bath


  • R$ch B$tch Bath

    The bath blend that adds wealth and courage to your bath time and helps you soak in the energy needed to create life on your own terms.

    • money bath
    • Prosperity
    • prosperity bath
    • R$ch B$tch
    • Spiritual Power


  • Release Bath

    Are you stuck? Do you feel that you aren’t making progress? Many times, you simply need to purge and release the things that no longer serve you, the things taking up space but not beneficial to your journey. RELEASE is the magick of letting go. It is an exhale for the soul. It helps you to identify attachments and areas where you lose energy. It helps you to let go of what does not serve you. It keeps your heart and mind balanced as you shift toward the best version of yourself. It helps improve your study time, sleep time, and even romantic connections.

    • Exhale
    • healing bath
    • let go


  • Scandalous Bath

    • enchanting bath
    • Scandalous
    • sex bath


  • Soul Cleanse Bath

    Wash the stains of life away and infuse your soul with light energy. Reiki infused and primordially charged bath salts. A powerful experience!

    • bath work
    • Healing and Restoratiion
    • healing salts
    • soul cleanse


  • Soul Snatch Bath

    The bath blend that will get you anything you want in bed over and over again. Brings you into a space of power with your lover.

    • Love and Sex
    • love bath
    • Love magick
    • Sex magick
    • Spiritual Power


  • Succubus Pleasure Bath

    Succubus is a divine energy of sexual transmutation, moving pleasure into alignment with your goals, creating beneficial intimate relationships of all sorts, and understanding the vibration and flow of pure creative energy. Succubi are feminine divine energies that operate through the root and sacral chakras for balance, healing, pure pleasure, manifestation and more. Succubus have the ability to harm or help, it is up to YOU and the intention you set.

    • pleasure
    • sex bath
    • sexual energy
    • Succubi
    • Succubus


  • Sugar Daddy Bath

    Blended with Sugar Daddy oil, this bath blend is created to bring beneficial sexual connections and relationships into your life.

    • Get Pampered
    • Love and Sex


  • SunBlissed Bath

    Bring in the energy of the sun, charge up your energetic body, release toxins and lift your vibration instantly. Great for solar plexus and heart chakra work.

    • Healing and Restoratiion
    • solar energy
    • Sun energy
    • SunBlissed


  • Triumphant Bath

    This Victorious Jubilation is a vibration that lifts the heart, the mind and the soul. It is not just evolving, but doing it happily. It’s the winning hand in life. You are TRIUMPHANT! Trimphant bath is blended to use in your bath or foot, hand and body soaks. Great for infusing the energy of joy and victory into your life but also a tool to help reverse bad luck and combat losses. If you’ve been going through it, this tool quickly shifts your vibration.



  • Undeniable Bath

    Soak in the energy and power in this dark arts blend that gives you that “I Will Not Be Denied” vibration! Very yummy!

    • bath salts
    • energy bath
    • Spiritual Power
    • Undeniable


  • World Domination Bath

    Enchant them all and call them into agreement with you!

    • bath magick
    • enchantment bath
    • World Domination
