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Wealth of Wisdom Candle
$25.00C-114Wealth of Wisdom is a powerful candle used to channel through wisdom and guidance from the ancestors and/or your spirit team. It helps you to align more perfectly with your oversoul to get clearer communication and is charged to guide you into a wealthier life all around.
Sallos Candle
$28.88C-116Sallos is an authoritative figure within the hierarchy of demonic royalty, a teacher and promoter of love, especially passionate love, of courage and wielder of truth. Great anchor to add to your spirit team and quite easy to connect with. Sallos is protective, but in the way of allowing you to learn lessons without incurring permanent damage from any mistakes you may make. I suggest sitting with him for at least 30 minutes the first few times you call for him. You can adjust as you see fit afterwards. Very strong and beautiful candle experience!
King Balam Candle
$28.88C-117Balam is a king and keeper of dark arts. He is a master of time and helps his students learn the art of time manipulation. Balam is known to give answers perfected to the hearer, but also teaches those who work with him how to hear across languages and even Universal frequencies.