

Emme Rain’s sage advice and suggestions are powerful. Ask questions and get Emme Rain’s advice on practical steps to achieve more of what you desire. There are three types of consultations to choose from Spiritual, Wealth, and Business.

  • Spiritual Consultation

    Personal spiritual consultation with Emme Rain. These conversations can run from 15-30 minutes.


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  • Wealth Consultation

    Discussion concerning options to improve your finances and move forward. These sessions usually last from 30-45 minutes. Please be prepared to record the conversation or take notes. After purchase, Emme prioritizes these sessions and will send you her earliest appointment time. If that does not work, you can use the same link to reschedule to a more convenient time.

    • consult
    • money reading
    • wealth consultation
    • Wealth reading

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  • Business Consultation

    Business consultation to assist with starting or growing your business. This conversation is great for brainstorming, prioritizing and getting pointers for moving forward. These sessions can last from 30-75 minutes. Be prepared to record the conversation or take notes.


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