Rituals & Spells

Rituals & Spells

Enhance your life in many ways by gaining prosperity, a new romance, a healthy mind and body, plus much more. Affirm your intentions and energize your power to manifest with ritual and spells done by Master Manifestor Emme Rain.

  • One With All Ritual

    The work that exceeds all workings… the work of integrating fully with your divine spark and walking in sovereignty! Candles and Oils: Ascension, Exalted, Grace of the Ancients, EmmeBodiment, Goddess. From TA, use Inner Sovereignty,  I AM, Divine Alignment, Divine Guidance, Vibration of Self Herbs: rosemary, yerba santa, blessed thistle, angelica root, frankincense, basil, myrrh, patchouli, lemon balm Crystals: clear quartz, moldavite, celestite, sodalite, lapis lazuli, blue lace agate, selenite, labradorite, and iolite Affirmation- I AFFIRM, I am one with the ALL, divine in nature and sovereign in all my doings! FEBRUARY 26, 2025 AT 12:12PM CST (afternoon) Follow at The Magickal Mystic and turn on notifications!

    • ascension ritual
    • Oneness ritual
    • sovereignty


  • Breakup Spellwork

    End the torture of being connected to someone who hurts and drains you. Sometimes, you need a magickal nudge to help get yourself free from a bad relationship. This spell is that. It destroys the last ties that bind and open the most peaceful door to ending the relationship.

    • Break up
    • relationship spells
    • spell work

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  • Family Restoration Work

    Pull your family back together with the family restoration ritual.


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  • Come To Me

    Bring the object of your affection closer to you. An email/messenger interview is usually conducted before work begins. PLEASE NOTE: This will not work if you are calling for someone who is married or in love with someone else.

    From: $300.00

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  • Family Protection

    Protection ritual done for the entire household, or bloodline. After purchase, send Emme Rain a message with details on FB by clicking the link.


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  • Personal Protection

    Detailed protection work done for an individual or can be used for a couple only!


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  • Family Wealth Ritual

    Ritual work done to bring forth abundance, prosperity and opportunities for an entire household or for the bloodline.

    • family wealth work
    • Wealth ritual

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  • Personal Wealth Ritual

    Personal wealth ritual designed to open doors of opportunity, bring forth increase in all areas and increase the income and legacy building opportunities of a specific person. Can be used for a married couple.

    • money magick
    • money ritual
    • Personal wealth
    • Wealth ritual

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  • Return to Sender Spell

    Return negativity and any spell work to the sender and bind it to them.


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  • Cloaking Work

    Cloak your energy and movements from those who you need to stay hidden from or who have been on the attack. Also great for protecting your ideas and private thoughts as you plan major moves.

    • Cloaking spell
    • hide me spell

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  • Court Case Ritual Work

    Magickal assistance provided via spellwork to get you the best possible outcome on your court proceedings. No specific results can be guaranteed but divination is done throughout the process. This fee covers 2-4 burnings.


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  • Uncrossing Spell Work

    Remove hexes, binds, crossings and other work that has been performed on you.


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