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Gula Oil
$33.00O-0352Gula, the goddess of healing, health, wellness of mind, body and spirit. She works quickly and brings about lasting results. She also heals bloodline traumas. Bath in 2 droppers full every night for a week to absorb physical healing and help improve your overall wellness. Dress candles with a full dropper and also works well with 2 droppers in foot soaks.
Bloodline Cleanse Candle
$24.44C-073Clear your bloodline of binds, hexes, bad juju of any type, and disconnect from illnesses that run through the family. Great for clearing generational debt and can be paired with Soul Cleanse and Healing Arts for a transformative experience.
Soul Cleanse Candle
$25.00C-063Infused with soul restoration energy, great for clearing soul contracts and ties. Also good for repairing soul fractures.