Emotional Distractions
There are times and seasons in our lives where we get caught up in how we are feeling. This is not to say that it is wrong to feel or have emotions; we have to be cautious as to not allow these to overcome us and get in the way of living life, moving forward towards our goals.
When these emotions bubble forth, causing us to lose sight and possibly our way, it is time for us to evaluate where they come from and why.
Seek out the deep seeded root cause. Learn to do this for your self-health in order to heal. If it’s difficult to figure out alone with yourself and spirit/universal guidance, reach out to a friend, mentor, or professional for assistance.
Know it’s okay to dig in order to get out from under the distraction so that you may progress, transmute and be free.
~Zulaimy F . “Zuly Of-One”