Ancestral Veneration

  • Ancestor Candle

    Ancestor offering and energizing candle.

    • ancestors
    • ancestral healing
    • Ancestral Veneration


  • Grace of the Ancients Candle

    Pull in the power, wisdom, love and favor of the ancestral ancients and those who stand in a position of authority over this realm. Great for enhancing ancestor work, clearing blockages and gaining clarity about your path.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Clarity and Direction


  • Chamomile and Lavender Mist

    Mist created to add peace to your home, great for spraying before bedtime as it adds a relaxing vibration to your room. Also gentle enough to be used in your children’s rooms.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Chamomile
    • Healing and Restoratiion
    • lavender
    • peace
    • Spiritual Power


  • Oversoul Candle

    Make a clear and lasting connection with your oversoul, create a stronger connection or enhance the flow of energy between you and your divine self. Great for honoring and feeding your divine self in self love rituals and also for calling forth clearer channels. It assists with walkthroughs and helps to alleviate some of the strain of ascension.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • divine self
    • higher self
    • Oversoul
    • Spiritual Power


  • Ancestral Warriors Candle

    The warriors of your bloodline receive a charge and are activated for protection and guidance. This is a whole VIBE in a candle and great for DNA work, activation and protection as well as channeling.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Protection
    • Spiritual Power


  • Statue – Vishnu

    Vishnu is one of the most important gods in the Hindu pantheon and, along with Brahma and Shiva, is considered a member of the holy trinity (trimurti) of Hinduism. He is the most important god of Vaishnaism, the largest Hindu sect.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Spiritual Power


  • Statue – Krishna and Radha

    Krishna and Radha has one of the greatest love stories and partnerships in the history of love. They symbolize balance and strength for one another and for those who call them forth. They are often sought when others seek to bring their soul or twin flame into their lives in beautiful and fulfilling ways. They are also representative of the mental nature of the Universe, as well as the forms of GOD in the masculine and feminine.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Spiritual Power


  • Statue – Thoth

    Thoth is the Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon. He was one of the most important gods of ancient Egypt alternately said to be self-created or born of the seed of Horus from the forehead of Set.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Spiritual Power


  • Statue – St Raphael

    Raphael is an archangel responsible for healing in the traditions of most Abrahamic religions. Not all branches of these religions consider the identification of Raphael to be canonical.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Spiritual Power


  • Statue – Samael

    In many legends, Samael is one of the most fearsome angels. He was described by Enoch as one of the most terrifying beings he’d ever encountered with a body full of eyes, tall as a world and strong. He is one who watches between realms and witnesses the deeds of all under his domain. He is a protector and guide and a keeper of knowledge. He is definitely an angel you’d want on your side.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Spiritual Power


  • Statue – Shiva’s Natraj

    Shiva is the third god in the Hindu triumvirate. The triumvirate consists of three gods who are responsible for the creation, upkeep and destruction of the world. The other two gods are Brahma and Vishnu. Brahma is the creator of the universe while Vishnu is the preserver of it

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Spiritual Power


  • Statue – Bastet

    In Egyptian mythology, Bastet is the feminine feline deity of both sexuality and protection. She is highly respected as a mother and a warrior, balancing the nature of the divine feminine puuuurrrrfectly!!!

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Spiritual Power


  • Statue – Santa Muerte

    Santa Muerte, is an idol, female deity or folk saint in Mexican and Mexican-American folk Catholicism. A personification of death, she is associated with healing, protection, and safe delivery to the afterlife by her devotees. Despite condemnation by leaders of the Catholic Church, her cult has become increasingly prominent since the turn of the 21st century.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Spiritual Power


  • Statue – Rah 2

    Ra was believed to rule in all parts of the created world: the sky, the Earth, and the underworld. He was the god of the sun, order, kings, and the sky. Ra was portrayed as a falcon and shared characteristics with the sky god Horus. All forms of life were believed to have been created by Ra.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Spiritual Power


  • Statue – Thoth

    Ra was believed to rule in all parts of the created world: the sky, the Earth, and the underworld. He was the god of the sun, order, kings, and the sky. Ra was portrayed as a falcon and shared characteristics with the sky god Horus. All forms of life were believed to have been created by Ra.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Spiritual Power


  • Statue – Oya

    Oya is one of the most powerful African Goddesses (Orishas). A Warrior-Queen, She is the sister-wife of the God Shango, to whom She gave the power to create storms. Much of Oya's energy is rooted in the natural world; She is the Goddess of thunder, lightning, tornadoes, winds, rainstorms, and hurricanes.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Spiritual Power
