
  • Andras Candle

    Andras is the destroyer of enemies and opposition and a great protector to work with. Burn this candle over the names of those who have hurt and hindered you or over the thought processes you seek to destroy. It can be procrastination and addiction or it can be the abuser who physically harms and stalks you.

    • Andras
    • candles
    • destroyer
    • Protection
    • Spiritual Power


  • Andras Oil

    The Marquis and Warrior who is often sought during times of rampant injustice! When calling for Andras, always put out a cup of coffee or black tea, or leave an offering of licorice or an herbal bowl. He enjoys being courted and he expects to be heard so be prepared to write out the instructions he often gives.

    • Andras
    • Demon
    • destroyer
    • hunter
    • Protection
