
Showing all 4 results

  • Ambition Oil

    Build your inner fortitude and create the life you desire!

    • ambitious
    • boldness
    • courage
    • Inner fortitude


  • EmmeBossed Candle

    EmmeBossed, the fragrance, was an undeniable hit and the customers wanted the soy candle experience. WE DELIVERED! This candle was created to bring the vibration of opulence into your life and keep it there. It is an Emme Rain signature fragrance and energy experience in candle form. Limited Time Offer! Burn with the intention to absorb and seal wealth as your personal vibration.

    • boldness
    • courage
    • EmmeBossed
    • ritual candle
    • spell candle
    • Spiritual Power
    • wealth candle


  • BD Energy Candle

    Boss Diva Energy, Big D**k Energy, the energy of taking charge of your life and making the raw material into what you choose. THIS is alchemy and the energy is palpable for days!!!

    • boldness
    • Boss energy
    • confidence
    • Protection
    • Spiritual Power


  • Goliath Fragrance

    Scent of a strong man.

    • boldness
    • Cologne
    • courage
    • fragrance for men
    • Spiritual Power
    • strength


Showing all 4 results