
  • Beautiful Destruction Candle

    The end of a thing! The complete annihilation of every opposing, destructive force in your life, the beauty of a fresh start and razed ground to begin again upon. Use this candle to bring about the completion of the influence and tactics of enemies, energetic and physical. Level everything that has brought destruction and pain, and end every connection to known and unknown enemies, removing every good thing that is propping them up in their wicked behavior. The destruction of that which harms is a beautiful destruction!

    • blessed candle
    • conjure
    • Dark Arts
    • dark magick
    • protection candle
    • soy candle


  • Tera Mist

    Tera, known also as Gaia, is the goddess of Earth. She is said to be Earth embodied. Excellent in wealth work, healing and restoration, she is one of the most serene powerhouses to have on your Spirit Team. Mist this delectable scent on to start your day grounded and effervescent, ready for abundance.

    • conjure
    • Gaia
    • Mother Earth
    • Tera


  • King Belial Oil

    Belial, often made synonymous with Satan, is the energy of spiritual and physical freedoms. He calls forth maturity and teaches consequences as the first consideration of thought, words and deeds, but does not violate free will. He is the literal embodiment of cause and effect and the personification of freedom wielded in wisdom. He is the antithesis to robotic society and stands as a proponent for individual greatness.

    • conjure
    • Demon
    • demonic kings
    • Spiritual Power


  • Conjure of Paimon Candle

    The conjurer supreme, great lord, powerful protector and guide into your power. Paimon is the king of conjure but also an amazing guide and mentor for getting into your personal power and understanding your spiritual authority. Best offerings - red meat or red wine

    • blessed candle
    • conjure
    • Paimon
    • Spiritual Power
