dark magick

  • Beautiful Destruction Candle

    The end of a thing! The complete annihilation of every opposing, destructive force in your life, the beauty of a fresh start and razed ground to begin again upon. Use this candle to bring about the completion of the influence and tactics of enemies, energetic and physical. Level everything that has brought destruction and pain, and end every connection to known and unknown enemies, removing every good thing that is propping them up in their wicked behavior. The destruction of that which harms is a beautiful destruction!

    • blessed candle
    • conjure
    • Dark Arts
    • dark magick
    • protection candle
    • soy candle


  • Scandalous Candle

    Scandalous, the Art of Uncovering Tap into the darker side, the side of yourself more true to your nature, but in a safe and powerful way. Uncover truth at its core, truth of yourself, the truth of others. Powerful tool for discovery, making it both an offensive and defensive tool, and it pulls triple duty with a sexual charge, making it magnificent in sex magick. Write your intentions and directions for your candle. Place underneath and sit with it for some time before going on with your evening.

    • dark magick
    • sex candle
    • truth candle
    • uncovering candle


  • Scandalous Oil

    Scandalous, the Art of Uncovering Tap into the darker side, the side of yourself more true to your nature, but in a safe and powerful way. Uncover truth at its core, truth of yourself, the truth of others. Powerful tool for discovery, making it both an offensive and defensive tool, and it pulls triple duty with a sexual charge, making it magnificent in sex magick. Use your oil in candle, on body (always do a skin test first as it contains pure essential oils), in the diffuser to set the atmosphere, or in baths and foot soaks.

    • dark magick
    • Reveal truth
    • Sex magick
    • sex oil
    • truth oil
    Sale! Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $15.00.O-0526


  • Sacrifice Oil

    Command all that you desire based upon what is owed and who has opposed you. This is one of the strongest command oils available. Sacrifice is created to exchange energy, making a sacrifice of your hang ups, your fears and your opposition in exchange for the life you truly want to live. This is a I Command All oil, meaning you are demanding for your pain all that you desire. You are forcing the issue of your will against those and that which oppose you. It is specialty magick and a premium product, blended for the experienced practitioners and those who are doing major overhaul work on their lives.

    • command
    • dark magick
    • occult
    • Sacrifice
