
Showing all 2 results

  • Shapeshifter Candle

    The energy of the shifters collected and infused into this candle to help you tap into high level energy manipulation. Great for shifting your physical and emotional energy, as well as taking on specific energetic signatures as you journey. This blend has Lemurian, Draconian, Lyran and Arcturian energy, infused for shielded glamours and protection. Great for accessing information, for protection, and for cloaking in work.

    • Arcturian
    • chameleon
    • Lyran
    • Shapeshifter
    • Starseed


  • Lyran Oil

    This starseed call oil is for the Lyran star system and the beings who carry that energy. It’s a powerful alignment tool. Add 2 droppers to your bath water when doing bath work or healing baths. Great for creating a hand or foot soak with a dropper full. Use the water as warm as you are comfortable to activate the oils and herbs.

    • Lyran
    • star systems
    • starseeds


Showing all 2 results