money candle

  • Honey Hole Candle

    Tap into the sweet spot of life, where things are good for you in love and money, where you can FEEL your power and see it in action. Honey Hole is an amazing infusion of sweet and enchanting energy, attracting whatever you desire, and great in pleasure magick.

    • money candle
    • power candle
    • Sex magick


  • Affluence Candle

    This power infused candle is ritually charged to increase your power to produce and maintain wealth and enhance your ability to add assets to your portfolio. It is the ultimate in wealth, luxury, luck and privilege.

    • Affluence
    • assets
    • money candle
    • wealth


  • Pay Me Candle

    You’ve given time. You’ve put a lot of energy out there for others. You’ve invested your money. Maybe they didn’t reciprocate, repay or even acknowledge it, maybe they weren’t able to. Either way, this blend is an amplified F—k You, Pay Me energy, but intentioned for not just money. The time you’ve put into others, now others will come to put that time into you, put energy into your life and goals, and invest money into your life or business. Pay Me recalls your money, time and energy and it works extremely fast when used frequently.

    • debt candle
    • money candle
    • money recall
    • Pay Me


  • Pot of Gold Candle

    One of the most dynamic money candles from Magickal Mystic yet, Pot of Gold is the energetic equivalent to striking gold. It’s a by any means wealth candle that brings money quickly! Pot of Gold is blended with the energy of luck, good fortune, opulence and lasting wealth. Combined energies of Jupiter, Mars and the Sun add precision and expansion. Plutus/Pluton, Clauneck, Aje, Oya, Lakshmi, Horus, Caishen, Hotei, Fortuna, Laima, Ostara, the muses are all invoked to further power this blend and the energy of Mercury further adds clarity and speed. Several quiet hands of power are also infused.

    • get rich
    • money candle
    • Pot of Gold
    • wealth candle
    Sale! Original price was: $33.00.Current price is: $14.00.C-153
