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  • Influential Oil

    Influence is the ability to impact the thoughts, emotions, behaviors and characters of others. To be influential is to have a part of someone else’s development. The influencer is a leader, guiding those who seek direction in life. Influential is intricate weaver magick that helps you craft a life of power for yourself, fortifying you against hubris, poverty, lack of appreciation, lack of direction and many other things that happen when you fail to walk in your power. Influential is YOU walking IN your power and helping others do the same in whatever way you rock at! It is wealth energy weaved together with enchantments and glamours, weaved together with protection and baneful energy rebound, weaved together with ascension, weaved together with primordial knots and blessed by Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Moon and Venus energy. UNBREAKABLE MAGICK. Only you can undo what you build with this. For bath, wear, diffuser, candle magick, offering and soaks!

    • enchantment
    • influencers
    • podcasters
    • thought leaders
    • Weaver magick
    Sale! Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $12.00.O-0509


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