Shadow work

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  • Dark Mother Candle

    The energy of the primordial mother and love that restores and creates. This is a great candle to use during shadow work, for self love rituals, and to tap into your ancestry or the primordial.

    • candles
    • dark energy
    • Dark Mother
    • primordial energy
    • Shadow work
    • soy wax
    • Spiritual Power


  • Laima Oil

    The embodiment of fate and good fortune, Laima is an asset to all lives. Assisting those who work with her in bringing good circumstances into play and attracting opportunity. She helps you to transmute your energy to flow in a more beneficial way and helps to establish a more positive paradigm.

    • goddess of fortune
    • Laima
    • Prosperity
    • Shadow work
    • Spiritual Power


  • ShadowSeekers Oil

    This is a blend for those who want to do personal shadow work and also for those who want to work in the shadows. This blend can be used for those who seek to learn the realms and dimensions of life. It can be used to learn the dimensions within yourself. It is also an offering oil to dark energies, those primordial in nature.

    • dark energy
    • divination
    • occult
    • Shadow work
    • Spiritual Power
    • veil walkers


Showing all 3 results