Spiritual Power
Showing 161–176 of 268 resultsSorted by latest
Bune Oil
$39.99O-0328Duke of Hell commands legions. Bune makes men eloquent and wise, and gives true answers to their demands and also riches. He speaks with a eloquent voice. Bune is often shown as a three-headed dragon, his heads like those of a dog, a griffin, and a man.
Lucifer Oil
$44.00O-0327The summoning and conjuring blend to bring forth the father of lights, the prince of air, the great enlightener, Lucifer. Pro Tip: Place a dropper full of Lucifer oil in the palm of your left hand. Set the intention to align with and receive knowledge and empowerment from Lucifer. Rub together between both hands vigorously until the palms are warm. Place your left palm over your crown and your right palm over your third eye area and close your eyes. Take 3 deep, cleansing, slow breaths and allow the flow to happen.
Bastet Oil
$33.00O-0326Summoning oil of the panther goddess, the catty flirty feline Bastet. Very powerful oil blend.
Enlil Oil
$33.00O-0325Powerful fatherly energy that is a focused level up to kingship/queen ship. God of creative endeavors, mental persuasion and more. He is protective and brings on powerful downloads.
Enki Oil
$33.00O-0324Son of Anu, of the ancient race, Anunnaki. Powerful divine to use for wisdom, ascension, true harnessing of power and increase in power to the entire bloodline.
Age of Anu
$39.99O-0323The first and only Anu inspired and energy infused oil on the market. This oil is filled with the energy and secrets of creation and re-creation. The summoning, invocation, channeling blend of the All Father in one of his proper names, Anu.
Erzulie Freda Oil
$33.00O-0322Summon this powerful goddess of beauty, femininity, love and more. She's a powerhouse and firing on all cylinders. Erzulie Freda is often venerated in Vodou. She is a loa and the goddess of love, beauty and vanity. She is great for those looking to elevate their standing in life. Great for pulling support and increasing cosmic influence. The Erzulies are powerful loa that represent the expressed power of femininity. Erzulie Freda is one of the most popular because of how powerful her enchantments are and how long lasting they can be for those working with her.
Marta the Dominator Oil
$33.00O-0321Marta the Dominator is a powerful force in island practice and is known to be protective and very powerful in the dark arts. She dominates her opponent or the opponent of those she works with and grants the upper hand in circumstances where you may be overpowered. She is a leveler and a warrior, but there are healing aspects to her.
Damballah Oil
$33.00O-0320The powerful energy highly revered throughout the islands including Haiti. Known to be protective, Damballah helps clear out ancient blockages or create generational curses, depending upon how you approach him. This oil is for summoning, feeding and invoking this fiery serpentine god.
Brigid Oil
$33.00O-0319Brigid the Triple Goddess for her fires of the hearth, inspiration, and the forge. She is the patroness of healing arts, fertility, poetry, music, prophecy, agriculture, and smithcraft. Many people also call her the Goddess of the Well, as she also has ties to the element of water.
Hathor Oil
$33.00O-0318The goddess of love, home, family, restoration, and familial wealth.
Amaterasu Oil
$33.00O-0316One of the most important Shinto deities, Amaterasu is the goddess of the rising sun, goddess of royalty and imperial power, creation as well as the flow of power. She has many facets and can also appear genderless.
Neith Oil
$33.00O-0315Summon this Egyptian road opening warrior to better your life. Neith is a creation goddess, known to bring power and acceleration into the lives of those who work with her. She is called THE WEAVER of fate, destiny and opportunity, thus many venerated her as a road opener and a goddess of war, strategy and of course wisdom. Creating a relationship with Neith requires honesty and time. She is called the Elevated One or She Who Cannot Be Known by many because she pulls you into higher realms rather than come down to the lower in most cases. Allow your relationship with her to be authentic. Be honest with her and honest about yourself. Truth endears her to you.
Obatala Oil
$33.00O-0314Father, creator and healer, the god of shamans who grants wisdom and protection.
Inanna Oil
$33.00O-0313Summon the primordial goddess, the dominant mother, conqueror divine, Inanna. She is queen of heaven and often considered the embodiment of Venus herself.
Sekhmet Oil
$33.00O-0312The warrior and lion-faced goddess of Egypt that protects, defends and guides in strategy and much more.
Showing 161–176 of 268 resultsSorted by latest