Ancestral Veneration


  • Marie Laveau Oil

    Famous conjure woman of New Orleans, Marie Laveau was a mover and shaker in life, but now in the realm of ancestors, she is the perfect teacher for conjure, channeling and assists with clairaudience, helping you to hear what matters to your life and any conversations with your name ringing in them. She was a queen of dark arts and illusion. Now you can feel her energy and learn the art of conjure with her as your tutor.



  • Nagas Oil

    Awaken and celebrate serpentine energy and connect with the essence and power of the Naga. This cosmic healing energy is the power of awakened kundalini, the essence of walking in divinity. Naga are divine or semi-divine, meaning hybrids, and are water beings, some elementals who control rain and water in all of its forms. They are shapeshifters. They are considered initiators into primordial power and in some myths considered the progenitors of large segments of the human race, calling them continually to ascend.

    • demigods
    • Naga
    • serpent energy
    • serpentine energy


  • Santa Muerte Mist

    The goddess of holy death, goddess who is honored for her relationship to the other realms and who assists with proper ancestral passage and veneration. She is the “saint” of inheritance and wealth, as well as a protector and guide for witches, mystics and mediums. She is a divine teacher of necromancy and the science of transition. This fragrance brings her closer to you and wraps you in her cloak of protection and guidance. High oil content so use with caution. Do not spray on fine fabrics.



  • Inheritance Infused Mist

    Tap your ancestral lineage to create abundance in your now reality. Protect the abundance you are creating both now and in the future. This magick works in both directions, creating a new financial and intellectual paradigm for your family, and surrounds it with amplified protection. This is called ancestral wealth accumulation magick and it is powerful. Great for wear and smells phenomenal, but can also be used to set your ritual spaces and as an offering for the ancestors. Use it daily and let the energy grow. You should begin to feel the accumulation of energy from those before and those who will come after. It’s powerful!

    • accumulation magick
    • ancestral wealth
    • Inheritance mist
    • wealth protection


  • Inheritance Oil

    Tap your ancestral lineage to create abundance in your now reality. Protect the abundance you are creating both now and in the future. This magick works in both directions, creating a new financial and intellectual paradigm for your family, and surrounds it with amplified protection. This is called ancestral wealth accumulation magick and it is powerful. Work with this blend consistently and add it to all your wealth, money and spiritual power workings. You should begin to feel the accumulation of energy from those before and those who will come after. It’s powerful! Great for bath, ritual and candle work, offering or wear. Always do a skin test as it has a high concentration of essential oils.

    • ancestral magick
    • Ancestral wealth accumulation magick
    • money work
    • Wealth work


  • Ancestral Rites of Passage Journal

    The Ancestral Rites of Passage Journal guides the reader through creating a fulfilling and powerful connection to the ancestral realm. This is the best of inner reflection and ancestral healing and empowerment.



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  • Ancestor Altar Mist

    Call forth, strengthen, feed and honor your ancestors. Blended to help you connect better, hear clearer and empower you to heal and infuse energy into your bloodline, this is a perfect mist for altar work, diffuser, to mist around your home and office, and to set ritual.

    • ancestor altars
    • Ancestor work
    • veneration


  • Oya Candle

    Summoning, strengthening and infusing candle used to work with Oya, the goddess of change, of storms, of the marketplace and of the cemetery, guardian of the ancestral realm and veilwalker.

    • goddess of winds
    • marketplace goddess
    • Oya
    • storm goddess


  • Baron Samedi Candle

    Baron Samedi is a powerful crossroads energy, necromancer and veilwalker who helps you tap into your ancestral lineage quickly and pull in the energies necessary to walk in the fullness of your identity.

    • Baron Samedi
    • crossroads
    • necromancy
    • vodou


  • Ancestor Candle

    Ancestor offering and energizing candle.

    • ancestors
    • ancestral healing
    • Ancestral Veneration


  • Supay Candle

    God of Death, keeper of gates, an initiator and a guide for those who are into dark arts, Supay has been honored for eons and is a powerful ally to have on your team. His honor days are Wednesdays and Saturdays, but he is great for sitting with daily. Set your intention to connect and then light up. Give yourself some time to get used to his energy.

    • god of death
    • Spiritual Power
    • Supay


  • Bloodline Cleanse Candle

    Clear your bloodline of binds, hexes, bad juju of any type, and disconnect from illnesses that run through the family. Great for clearing generational debt and can be paired with Soul Cleanse and Healing Arts for a transformative experience.

    • ancestors
    • Bloodline
    • Healing and Restoratiion


  • Grace of the Ancients Candle

    Pull in the power, wisdom, love and favor of the ancestral ancients and those who stand in a position of authority over this realm. Great for enhancing ancestor work, clearing blockages and gaining clarity about your path.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Clarity and Direction


  • Sage Mist

    The protective and clearing aspects of sage provided in a very powerful and pleasant mist for those who cannot burn it or tolerate smoke.

    • house clearing
    • Protection
    • Sage
    • Sage spray
    • Spiritual Power


  • Ancestral Warriors Candle

    The warriors of your bloodline receive a charge and are activated for protection and guidance. This is a whole VIBE in a candle and great for DNA work, activation and protection as well as channeling.

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • Protection
    • Spiritual Power


  • Akashic Records Session

    Look into your Akashic records with the focus of understanding your energetic identity, looking at what energies you are tied to and how, as well as understanding why you incarnated in this plane at this time. Great for getting life directions. 45 minute session.

    • Akashic records
    • divination
    • readings
    From: $800.00

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