
  • Clientele Butter

    Clientele, what every business owner needs plenty of. The magick of this blend is to build businesses and create a successful foundation for growth. This blend is an 8 infusion butter, made in small batches and enchanted in small batches to increase the power. It gets stronger with each use. This blend is created with infusions and incantations that call for more customers and clients and amplifies the energy of your integrity and skillset. It is like a megaphone announcing your business to the world, but the scent is gentle and lasting.

    • business builder
    • call clients
    • call customers
    • wearable magick


  • Clientele Oil

    Clientele, what every business owner needs plenty of. The magick of this blend is to build businesses and create a successful foundation for growth. This blend is an 8 infusion oil. It gets stronger with each use and with consistency, the magick will continue even when the oil is not in use. This blend is created with infusions and incantations that calls for more customers and clients and amplifies the energy of your integrity and skillset. It is like a megaphone announcing your business to the world, but the scent is gentle and lasting.

    • business builder
    • business magick
    • Clientele
    • clients
    • customers


  • Clientele Candle

    Clientele candle is a custom 8 way infusion candle made to pull customers, clients and awareness to your business and your skillset. It is powerful magick that delivers quickly when you with consistency. The candle is the fastest way to release the magick and begin experiencing results.

    • business builder
    • Business candle
    • Clientele
    • clients
    • customers


  • Clientele Infused Mist

    Clientele, what every business owner needs plenty of. The magick of this blend is to build businesses and create a successful foundation for growth. This blend is an 8 infusion and this mist allows you to take the magick with you wherever you go. This blend is created with infusions and incantations that calls for more customers and clients and amplifies the energy of your integrity and skillset. It is like a megaphone announcing your business to the world, but the scent is gentle and lasting.

    • business builder
    • call clients
    • call customer
    • Clientele
    • Infused mist
    • wealth
    • wearable magick
    Sale! Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $19.99.F-0560


  • Inheritance Candle

    Tap your ancestral lineage to create abundance in your now reality. Protect the abundance you are creating both now and in the future. This magick works in both directions, creating a new financial and intellectual paradigm for your family, and surrounds it with amplified protection. This is called ancestral wealth accumulation magick and it is powerful. Work with this blend consistently and add it to all your wealth, money and spiritual power workings. You should begin to feel the accumulation of energy from those before and those who will come after.

    • ancestral magick
    • money candles
    • wealth accumulation


  • Inheritance Infused Mist

    Tap your ancestral lineage to create abundance in your now reality. Protect the abundance you are creating both now and in the future. This magick works in both directions, creating a new financial and intellectual paradigm for your family, and surrounds it with amplified protection. This is called ancestral wealth accumulation magick and it is powerful. Great for wear and smells phenomenal, but can also be used to set your ritual spaces and as an offering for the ancestors. Use it daily and let the energy grow. You should begin to feel the accumulation of energy from those before and those who will come after. It’s powerful!

    • accumulation magick
    • ancestral wealth
    • Inheritance mist
    • wealth protection


  • Inheritance Oil

    Tap your ancestral lineage to create abundance in your now reality. Protect the abundance you are creating both now and in the future. This magick works in both directions, creating a new financial and intellectual paradigm for your family, and surrounds it with amplified protection. This is called ancestral wealth accumulation magick and it is powerful. Work with this blend consistently and add it to all your wealth, money and spiritual power workings. You should begin to feel the accumulation of energy from those before and those who will come after. It’s powerful! Great for bath, ritual and candle work, offering or wear. Always do a skin test as it has a high concentration of essential oils.

    • ancestral magick
    • Ancestral wealth accumulation magick
    • money work
    • Wealth work


  • Black Gold Oil

    Amplify the power of your melanin, call forth the ingenuity and power of your bloodline back to its origins, put forth a cosmic demand for what is due to the lineage in your physical reality, pull in high level opportunities, multiply your income, increase wisdom exponentially, and align with the golden era of your life.

    • ancestral work
    • Black Excellence
    • Black Gold
    • melanin


  • Black Gold Bath

    Amplify the power of your melanin, call forth the ingenuity and power of your bloodline back to its origins, put forth a cosmic demand for what is due to the lineage in your physical reality, pull in high level opportunities, multiply your income, increase wisdom exponentially, and align with the golden era of your life.

    • ancestor
    • bath blend
    • bath salts
    • Black Excellence
    • Black Gold


  • Black Gold Fragrance Mist

    Amplify the power of your melanin, call forth the ingenuity and power of your bloodline back to its origins, put forth a cosmic demand for what is due to the lineage in your physical reality, pull in high level opportunities, multiply your income, increase wisdom exponentially, and align with the golden era of your life.

    • Black Excellence
    • Black Gold
    • reparations
    • wearable magick


  • Black Gold Candle

    Black Gold is magick that amplifies the gift of your melanin and brings forth the ingenuity, the wisdom, the knowledge, the prowess, the protection and the guidance of your entire bloodline, and it brings in spiritual reparations. Command all that is due to the bloodline, all that is due to you. For all the jobs where you were overworked, underpaid and undervalued, and for all the times it happened to those in your bloodline, this product line is created to pull the just payments through in real time. Blended especially for African Americans, but this blend can be used by any culture, any person who has been mistreated or misused, who has ancestors who have been misused. But, THIS IS A CELEBRATION OF BLACK EXCELLENCE!!!

    • Black Excellence
    • Black Gold
    • melanin
    • wealth candle


  • Pay Me Butter

    You’ve given time. You’ve put a lot of energy out there for others. You’ve invested your money. Maybe they didn’t reciprocate, repay or even acknowledge it, maybe they weren’t able to. Either way, this butter is an amplified magick to recall your time, your energy and your money. The time you’ve put into others, now others will come to put that time into you, put energy into your life and goals, and invest money into your life or business. Pay Me is recall magick that works extremely fast when used daily!

    • body butter
    • money butter
    • money magick
    • wearable magick


  • Pay Me Money Mist

    You’ve given time. You’ve put a lot of energy out there for others. You’ve invested your money. Maybe they didn’t reciprocate, repay or even acknowledge it, maybe they weren’t able to. Either way, this fragrance mist is an amplified magick to recall your time, your energy and your money. The time you’ve put into others, now others will come to put that time into you, put energy into your life and goals, and invest money into your life or business. Pay Me is recall magick that works extremely fast when used daily!

    • money magick
    • money recall
    • Pay Me
    • reciprocity
    • time magick


  • Pay Me Bath

    Recall your money, your time and your energy. Pay Me is to demand and receive a return on every investment you have put out there and swiftly. There are 4 power amplifiers in this ritually infused bath blend.

    • debt bath
    • money bath
    • money recall
    • time recall


  • Pay Me Candle

    You’ve given time. You’ve put a lot of energy out there for others. You’ve invested your money. Maybe they didn’t reciprocate, repay or even acknowledge it, maybe they weren’t able to. Either way, this blend is an amplified F—k You, Pay Me energy, but intentioned for not just money. The time you’ve put into others, now others will come to put that time into you, put energy into your life and goals, and invest money into your life or business. Pay Me recalls your money, time and energy and it works extremely fast when used frequently.

    • debt candle
    • money candle
    • money recall
    • Pay Me


  • Pay Me Oil

    You’ve given time. You’ve put a lot of energy out there for others. You’ve invested your money. Maybe they didn’t reciprocate, repay or even acknowledge it, maybe they weren’t able to. Either way, this oil is an amplified F—k You, Pay Me spelled oil, but intentioned for not just money. The time you’ve put into others, now others will come to put that time into you, put energy into your life and goals, and invest money into your life or business. Pay Me recalls your money, time and energy and it works extremely fast when used daily! Pay Me oil is great for diffuser, bath, candle work of all types, to wear (do a skin test first) and an excellent take with you blend.

