bath salts

Showing all 13 results

  • Influential Bath

    • bath blend
    • bath herbs
    • bath magick
    • bath salts


  • Black Gold Bath

    Amplify the power of your melanin, call forth the ingenuity and power of your bloodline back to its origins, put forth a cosmic demand for what is due to the lineage in your physical reality, pull in high level opportunities, multiply your income, increase wisdom exponentially, and align with the golden era of your life.

    • ancestor
    • bath blend
    • bath salts
    • Black Excellence
    • Black Gold


  • Magnetic Energy Bath

    Universal Attraction! I know you’re tired of working for every good thing that comes your way. Attraction is the answer and no other product on the market holds more power of Universal pull than Magnetic! Created to amplify your ability to call what you most desire, this bath infuses your energetic body with the law of attraction and elevates your frequency.

    • bath salts
    • enchantment
    • law of attraction
    • Magnetic
    • Universal attraction


  • Easy Street Bath

    Soak in the luxuriating bath blend hand created by Emme Rain herself. This blend is meant to draw sweeter and easier circumstances into your life in all aspects in which you may be currently struggling. Run bath as warm as you can stand it and pour in your salts. Set your intention and hold it as you add the magick to your bath. For added kick, add a dropper of the oil as well. Then get in and allow your body to absorb the magick. Pairs well with Frequency, R$ch B$tch, Adore Me, Enchantment, Exalted and Chosen.

    • bath blend
    • bath salts
    • Easy Street
    • healing bath
    • love bath
    • money bath


  • Ambition Bath

    Blended and infused to help you tap into your inner fortitude and motivation, this blend is a great way to start your day. Add half a pack to your bath as the water runs. Allow yourself to absorb the essences all around you and to recharge your energetic body. Great also for foot spas and can be added to your water while getting a pedicure.

    • bath salts
    • Inner fortitude
    • motivation
    • refill energy


  • BD Energy Bath

    Boss diva, boldly divine, big dawg energy… this is courage and boldness in a bag.

    • bath salts
    • BD Energy
    • courage
    • Spiritual Power


  • Phoenix Bath

    Bath in the luxurious and protective aroma of the phoenix and allow yourself to absorb the courage and bold moves that resonate with that energy.

    • bath salts
    • blessed baths
    • Phoenix
    • Protection
    • Spiritual Power


  • Impenetrable Defense Bath

    Protection and aura sealing bath designed to keep you energetically clean and clear of any baneful energy.

    • aura bath
    • bath salts
    • Protection
    • Protection bath


  • Get Money Bath

    Infused with the essence of wealth, abundance, and opulence, this is the premium bath blend for those who desire wealth.

    • bath salts
    • money bath
    • Prosperity


  • Lux of Lakshmi Bath

    For wealth, cheerfulness and high vibes

    • bath salts
    • energy bath
    • Lakshmi
    • Prosperity


  • Undeniable Bath

    Soak in the energy and power in this dark arts blend that gives you that “I Will Not Be Denied” vibration! Very yummy!

    • bath salts
    • energy bath
    • Spiritual Power
    • Undeniable


  • Goddess Bath

    The primordial and solar goddess bath blend. Very powerful juju in a bath.

    • bath salts
    • energy bath
    • goddess
    • Spiritual Power


  • Fast Money Bath

    Used to draw money quickly. Soak in the ambiance of money.

    • bath salts
    • Fast Money
    • money bath
    • Prosperity


Showing all 13 results