metatron’s cube
Showing all 2 results
Metatron Oil
$44.00O-409Metatron, considered the angel of knowledge and scribe of god, is actually a god, the divine energy of knowledge. Metatron is the energy of knowledge, embodied knowledge. The secrets of creation and the cycle of the Universe rest within this being. Metatron’s cube of wholeness, solidarity and balance even through states of flux is very powerful and is representative of the womb, making it one of the most powerful manifestation tools available to man. This oil is an offering and summoning oil created to channel the energy and power of Metatron or to be used as an offering to his energy.
- angel of knowledge
- knowledge
- manifestation
- Metatron
- metatron’s cube
- platonic solids
- wisdom
Metatron Candle
$33.00C-141Metatron, the energy of pure knowledge, is the embodiment of the secrets of creation, flow and energy itself.
- cube of balance
- manifestation
- Metatron
- metatron’s cube
- platonic solids
- sacred geometry
- wholeness
Showing all 2 results
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