money magic

  • Mogul Candle

    Mogul is the energy of success in business and affluence. We combined the energy of real estate, media, marketing, sales, and other business moves into one product to ensure expansive and swift success as you continually work this energy and pull it into your business, your side endeavors, your real estate and investment portfolios and more. Use this candle by pulling the energy OUT of it and into your life and your business. Sit with it each time you burn one and allow yourself to align with the energy of the mogul who created it. See yourself in agreement and your business and other incomes growing as a result of the agreement. Visualization is key! Pro Tip: Burn this candle in connection with Millionaires and Luxurious candles and oils to create the energy of wealth in your home. Let them burn until they go out on their own if you can but PLEASE practice fire safety.

    • Abundance
    • business tycoon
    • Mogul
    • money magic
    • Prosperity


  • Fast Money Candle

    Get through financial strain by using this candle to call forth quick money to handle pressing matters.

    • candles
    • Fast Money
    • magick
    • money magic
    • Prosperity


  • Debt Cancellation Candle

    Created to cancel the energy of debt in your life while bringing in resources to shift your current relationship with money, material things and bills.

    • credit repair
    • Debt removal
    • money magic
    • Prosperity


  • Millionaires Oil

    Created by a millionaire for those who seek to become millionaires. This oil is blended for wear, candles, baths, foot soaks, diffusers and more. It opens the mind and helps to bring through million dollar ideas, charges up and fuels the sacral and solar plexus and helps to shift your overall vibration when worn daily. Set your intention. Know your desired number. Feel it flowing to you. Manifestation starts in the mind.

    • Magickal Mystic Millionaires
    • millionaire
    • money magic
    • Prosperity
    • prosperity oil
    • Spiritual Power
    • wealth oil


  • Debt Cancellation Oil

    Use to cancel and lower debt. Best used in white, green or gold candles during your money work, also should be kept on your money altar. It can be worn, bathed in or used in your oil warmer or diffuser. Write down or arrange all your bills on the altar space and anoint with the oil. If you have the Debt Cancellation candle, put the candle over the top of the bills before lighting up.

    • credit repair
    • Debt removal
    • money magic
    • Prosperity


  • Fast Money Oil

    Alleviate immediate financial needs and bring forth money. Great for putting on debts and bills to pull money in to pay them. Add to your candle and place the bills under your candle when you burn. Use it in bath or before going to casinos or to work. It is known to draw gems.

    • Fast Money
    • money magic
    • Prosperity
    • ritual oil
