Clarity and Direction

  • Lucid Oil

    To be aware is to be alive. Wake up to yourself, your true identity and your purpose. This is ascension, elevation and empowerment in a single oil.

    • Ascension
    • awakening
    • awareness
    • Illusion destroyer


  • Nephthys Candle

    Nephthys candle is infused with her energy and great for calling her forth and into your life. Great also for adding her energy to your ritual or spell work.

    • dark goddess
    • goddess of death
    • goddess of rebirth
    • Nephthys


  • Nyx Bundle

    Nyx is the daughter of chaos, a primordial goddess and embodiment of night, but not just night, the light within darkness. She is a balancer of energies (cosmic and personal). She is a protrectress. She is also a fertility goddess as goddess of the dawn. She is a conjurer and teacher of primordial creation or creation from chaos energy. Nyx is great for physical and soul restoration, protection, manifestation and higher level initiations.

    • manifestation products
    • Nyx
    • Nyx bundle
    • primordial goddess
    • protector


  • Intuition Mist

    Get this meditative, wearable magick and mist on daily to enhance your intuition and help you make the best decisions for your life.

    • Intuition
    • third eye mist
    • wearable magick


  • Nyx Candle

    The primordial goddess, daughter of chaos, goddess of night and dawn, as well as fertility.

    • goddess of night
    • Nyx
    • primordial energy
    • soy candle
    • summoning candle


  • Intuition Candle

    Intuition is blended for 4 distinct purposes but the uses don’t stop there. Created to help you learn the vibration of true intuition, it protects from the projections of others, your inner fears and biases, prior experiences and deceptions. This candle is used to assist you with getting attuned within to receive divine messages and guidance and to hear more clearly from your oversoul and spiritual team. It heightens your reception of frequency and assists with gaining understanding of the things you receive.

    • Ajna chakra
    • Intuition
    • mental clarity
    • third eye


  • Neith Candle

    Neith, goddess of creation, the Great Weaver! She is a war goddess but also a goddess of fate. Creating a relationship with Neith requires honesty and time. She is called the Elevated One or She Who Cannot Be Known by many because she pulls you into higher realms rather than come down to the lower in most cases. Allow your relationship with her to be authentic. Be honest with her and honest about yourself. Truth endears her to you.

    • creation goddess
    • goddess of destiny
    • Neith
    • weaver


  • Isis Candle

    Queen of mystics and a goddess who shifts everything about your life, Isis is considered a mother of divinity.



  • Inanna Candle

    Queen of Heaven, goddess of love and strategist in war. Inanna is a goddess that represents conquering and overcoming all obstacles and she is a guide for the divine feminine. She is great to summon during times of seeking raises and promotions, shifts in the dynamics of personal relationships and more. Pro Tip: Sit with her candle at least 13 minutes each day it burns.

    • Inanna
    • queen of heaven


  • Intuition Oil

    Strengthen your intuition to cosmic levels and protect yourself from the projections of others and your own inner shadows that can throw you off. Intuition is blended for 4 distinct purposes but the uses don’t stop there. Created to help you learn the vibration of true intuition, it protects from the projections of others, your inner fears and biases, prior experiences and deceptions. This oil is used to assist you with getting attuned within to receive divine messages and guidance and to hear more clearly from your oversoul and spiritual team. It heightens your reception of frequency and assists with gaining understanding of the things you receive. Use in bath, over your crown and third eye, keep burning in your diffuser or oil warmer, and use in your candle work.

    • channeling
    • frequency
    • Intuition
    • Reading


  • Qetesh Oil

    The brilliant and powerful mistress of the gods, she is one of the most life changing. She was considered the mistress or confidant of the gods. She was one of the most trusted energies of ancient times. She is considered the mistress of magic and one of the most powerful conjurers. She teaches the dark arts and assists with obtaining positions of power and trust.

    • Kadesh
    • Lady of the Heavens
    • Qadesh
    • Qetesh


  • Baron Samedi Candle

    Baron Samedi is a powerful crossroads energy, necromancer and veilwalker who helps you tap into your ancestral lineage quickly and pull in the energies necessary to walk in the fullness of your identity.

    • Baron Samedi
    • crossroads
    • necromancy
    • vodou


  • EmmeBodiment Bundle

    Embody the energy of wealth, health and happiness…. This is the everything magick bundle! EmmeBodiment is the energy of fully assimilated divine energy, It is about sovereignty, personal power, fullness, being truly settled in the truth of who you are, why you are and where you currently are even as you journey onward. Created to seal the energy of your true identity to you, EmmeBodiment is the most dynamic magick captured in product form. It’s for health. It’s for happiness. It’s for wealth. It’s for you!

    • divine magic
    • Embody magick
    • wearable magick


  • Familiar Candle

    Call, bond and strengthen your familiar.



  • Mami Wata Candle

    Call forth the favor and wisdom of Mami Wata, the goddess of love, devotion, good fortune and health. She is dynamic and tangible in her teachings. She has a kinship to all water goddesses of love but the biggest difference with her is her method of connection. She often causes daydreams filled with downloads and is known to visit during sleep state. Commit to working with her for 11 days minimum before seeking something specific. Her first connection is always about wisdom and healing before money.

    • La Sirene
    • Mami Wata
    • Mammy Water


  • Ambition Oil

    Build your inner fortitude and create the life you desire! Ambition is a power infusing blend. It is infused with clarity, direction, force and boldness. Ambition is the audacity to live your life on your own terms according to the power vested in you. It is your get up and get going blend. Great for daily wear, haircare products, for diffuser, as a meditative tool and in candle work.

    • ambitious
    • boldness
    • courage
    • Inner fortitude
