Tehuti Oil

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Tehuti Oil



Tehuti is the god that governs thought and knowledge, processes and precision. He has been called the one who measures the depth and the width of the Universe. He is amazing for anyone seeking to learn in spirituality or in daily life. The students friend, Tehuti holds a masterful vibration and working with him help you master yourself and the elements around you.



The god of knowledge, lunar in nature, helps to bestow an emotional intelligence in life in the same way he represents all knowledge. Tehuti is a friend to mankind, ruling over science and arts including astrology, astronomy and language. Working this deity will assist with gaining knowledge, elevating above your current station and evolving in alignment with the Universe.
Tehuti is great for students, and anyone who desires more mental clarity and direction in life. His oil can be worn but do a skin test first. Great also for diffuser, for candles, to add to libation offering water and for bath or soaks.

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