credit repair

  • Debt Cancellation Candle

    Created to cancel the energy of debt in your life while bringing in resources to shift your current relationship with money, material things and bills.

    • credit repair
    • Debt removal
    • money magic
    • Prosperity


  • Debt Cancellation Oil

    Use to cancel and lower debt. Best used in white, green or gold candles during your money work, also should be kept on your money altar. It can be worn, bathed in or used in your oil warmer or diffuser. Write down or arrange all your bills on the altar space and anoint with the oil. If you have the Debt Cancellation candle, put the candle over the top of the bills before lighting up.

    • credit repair
    • Debt removal
    • money magic
    • Prosperity
    Sale! Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $10.00.O-0254
