
Showing all 4 results

  • Masterful Candle

    Masterful as a candle experience is intense. The energy is fiery, tangible and swift working. Set your intention to absorb the energy of mastery over your life, your money, your health and in any other area in which you have struggled. This is a great life companion as through it, your frequency starts to shift from the first burn and continues to shift the more you use this line of products. Great companion to Self Mastery, Oversoul and Dominate.

    • discipline
    • magickal power
    • proficiency
    • self mastery


  • Masterful Oil

    Masterful is charged with the energy of mastery, which is balance, harmony, control and power. This blend is great for wear, bath and specifically blended for head work. Use it in ritual, spells, to dress candles and in water or offerings. It is supercharged, and cycled through multiple deities, blended with Saturn, Mercury and Venus energies, a dynamic which gives it cosmic balance to bring more power to every aspect of life from love to healing to manifestation.

    • discipline
    • expertise
    • Saturn
    • self mastery


  • Sense of Saturn Candle

    Work with this candle for time magick, self mastery and calling forth reward for the things you’ve already mastered or balanced in your life.

    • discipline
    • Saturn
    • self mastery
    • Spiritual Power
    • time magick


  • Self Mastery Oil

    Assists with achieving understanding of the self and increasing both self acceptance and self control. Blended with the energies of Saturn, encapsulating the yin and yang and Universal law of rhythm and polarity, Self Mastery oil was created to assist with balancing the inner and outer motivations and triggers that control decisions. It helps to keep the mind, heart and energy flow balanced and assists with clarity. It is best when carried, worn over pulse points and behind ears as well as over the temple area and third eye. It is great to use in baths and during shower time, or added to conditioner for head work. It can be put in a diffuser when home and used in candle work.

    • balance
    • discipline
    • self mastery
    • Spiritual Power


Showing all 4 results