fertility goddess

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  • Ayida Wedo Oil

    Ayida Wedo is the energy of creation and the embodiment of the divine feminine energy. She is a healer, a soul restorer, kundalini and Shakti energy initiator, an enchantress, a perfect blend of Fire and Water. She is considered the divine lover and mother. She is filled with wisdom and strategy. She’s stealthy in protection and vibrant in love. She is a representation of wealth as well.

    • Ayida Wedo
    • enchantress
    • fertility goddess
    • love goddess
    • wife of Damballah
  • Anat Oil

    Goddess of love and war, fertility and beauty, Anat was one of the most beloved goddesses amongst the ancients. Considered sister of Baal and by some the daughter of Rah or Ptah, Anat represented the complete cycle of life. The Anat oil is energetically infused with the summoned energy of the goddess, and intentioned for fertility, creativity, reproduction, beauty, love, enchantment, sex and strategic warfare.

    • Anat
    • Anath
    • fertility goddess
    • goddess of love
    • goddess of war
    • Semitic goddess
  • Ostara Candle

    Goddess of fertility, new beginnings and creativity. Connecting with her is great for starting a new business, new job, buying a new home or doing wealth, fertility or creativity work.

    • fertility goddess
    • goddess of spring
    • Ostara
    • Spiritual Power

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