
Showing all 11 results

  • Pomba Gira Candle

    The goddess that represents the freedom of divinity, the power of sex and the pleasures of life is tremendous for women and helps to ignite your divine feminine energy. Her energy is warm, feisty and sure. She’s protective, creative and fun to work with. Burn this candle on your personal altar, love altar and even your wealth altar for maximum results.

    • divine feminine sexuality
    • Get Pampered
    • goddess
    • goddess of pleasure
    • Pomba Gira
    • Spiritual Power


  • Goddess Fragrance

    Revel in the vibration of divinity. Feed your divine essence and absorb the goodness of this luxurious Emme Rain fragrance. Goddess awakens and strengthens the goddess in you. Shake well and spray liberally.

    • enchantment
    • Fragrance
    • goddess
    • Spiritual Power
    • wealth


  • Brigid Candle

    Brigid, goddess of the wells, of fertility and of love, powerful protector, a face of triple goddess energy and a healer. She brings the dawn of success into your life when working with her. She comes on slowly but brings waves and waves of blessings. She has been honored by poets, writers, singers, healers and lovers. Her hand is always filled with bountifulness for those she’s in a relationship with.

    • Brigid
    • goddess
    • Love
    • Spiritual Power
    • Summoning


  • Pomba Gira Oil

    Goddess of love, lust and pleasure. Pomba Gira helps to open up your pleasure centers and teaches you how to receive pleasure sexually, physically and financially. She brings true power into your life, personal power and helps you to have more resolve with your life's direction.

    • goddess
    • Love
    • lust
    • Protection
    • sex
    • Spiritual Power
    • Tantra


  • Goddess Candle

    Goddess energy infused and luscious goodness. You will want to keep this burning in your home to keep your vibrations high and your desires met. Use this candle for wealth and beauty work, evolution and sovereignty work and for invocation or summoning. Very flexible so use with clear intentions. Write your intent and place under the candle as it burns.

    • beauty
    • Candle
    • goddess
    • Spiritual Power


  • Marta the Dominator Oil

    Marta the Dominator is a powerful force in island practice and is known to be protective and very powerful in the dark arts. She dominates her opponent or the opponent of those she works with and grants the upper hand in circumstances where you may be overpowered. She is a leveler and a warrior, but there are healing aspects to her.

    • goddess
    • Protection
    • Spiritual Power
    • Summoning


  • Ostara Oil

    Goddess of the spring time, new beginnings and fertility. Summon her when you are ready to start something new or bring fresh energy into something old. During times of meditation and trance, wear this oil over the crown, third eye and over the solar plexus chakras to infuse her inspiration into these areas. Use this oil as her offering and add to candles burned on her behalf.

    • fertility
    • goddess
    • Spiritual Power
    • spring
    • Summoning


  • Parvati Oil

    Work with the illustrious energy of the beautiful and wise Parvati.

    • beauty
    • goddess
    • Hindu deity
    • Spiritual Power
    • Summoning


  • EMerge Fragrance

    This premium sexual fragrance is a celebration of the emergence of YOU, your divine self, your recreated goddess/god self.

    • divinity
    • goddess
    • Love and Sex
    • wearable magick


  • Goddess Butter

    Awaken your inner goddess.

    • divinity
    • goddess
    • shea butter
    • Spiritual Power


  • Goddess Bath

    The primordial and solar goddess bath blend. Very powerful juju in a bath.

    • bath salts
    • energy bath
    • goddess
    • Spiritual Power


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