Showing 17–32 of 66 resultsSorted by latest
EMerge Candle
$25.00C-082Great for manifesting and for evolution and ascension, this candle has the energy of the ALL. Blended to create the new life you desire. It also has a primordial cloak to protect your rise.
Phoenix Candle
$25.00C-052The courage, the wiles, the wisdom, the power and the flames of the Phoenix in one candle. Infused with the energy of rejuvenation, protection and prosperity as well as fame.
Sage Mist
$22.00M-8011The protective and clearing aspects of sage provided in a very powerful and pleasant mist for those who cannot burn it or tolerate smoke.
BD Energy Butter
$22.00S-0428Boss Diva/Big D**k Energy! This body butter is the blend created from the personal energy of Emme Rain, used to shift your vibration, focus and reality. There is also an element of protection. Powerful aroma and even more powerful vibration.
Phoenix Butter
$22.00S-0432The scent, power and resonance of the Phoenix in wearable and moisturizing form. Guaranteed to be one of your favorite butters.
Hide Me Candle
$25.00C-092Hide Me, the sealing, cloaking, protective powerhouse of an oil has now become a candle experience. Hide Me is a great protective force, powerful for hiding your business ideas, and other aspects that you want to keep cloaked. Hide Me has also been charged to bring a painful experience to those who seek to banefully connect to you. Soy wax, crushed crystal and more enhance the power of this candle!
BD Energy Candle
$24.44C-104Boss Diva Energy, Big D**k Energy, the energy of taking charge of your life and making the raw material into what you choose. THIS is alchemy and the energy is palpable for days!!!
Dominate Candle
$28.88C-098Do you want the upper hand in the situations you’ve faced? Is there a particular circumstance in which you want to take dominance? This candle is for you and it is POWERFUL! We have limited supplies as they take a while to charge. Sit with it once you light it and see yourself absorbing the energy and power within the candle. THIS candle is for you or it can be added to any ritual to help you amplify the power of it in your favor.
Get Over It Candle
$25.00C-095Energy infused candle used to help you get over past hurts and frustrations, disappointments and breakups or grief of any kind. It has a boost of joy and energy with a lot of clearing and cleansing elements. Powerful meditative experience. Light with intention and spend a little time with the candle as it burns. If you have left over wax, put it in your wax warmer. The magick continues.
King Balam Oil
$44.00O-0396Balam is a king and keeper of dark arts. He is a master of time and helps his students learn the art of time manipulation. Balam is known to give answers perfected to the hearer, but also teaches those who work with him how to hear across languages and even Universal frequencies.
King Bael Oil
$39.99O-0393King Bael is an often misunderstood energy. An olden one, he is the energy to teach you and guide you, filled with wisdom and power across all planes of physical existence, he is the energy to help elevate you into royal positions of sovereignty.
Pomba Gira Oil
$33.00O-0390Goddess of love, lust and pleasure. Pomba Gira helps to open up your pleasure centers and teaches you how to receive pleasure sexually, physically and financially. She brings true power into your life, personal power and helps you to have more resolve with your life's direction.
BD Energy Oil
$33.00O-0386Boss Diva/Big D**k Energy, the blend created from the personal energy of Emme Rain, used to shift your vibration, focus and reality. This is a great blend for candle work and bath time or foot soaks, although it does contain both clove and cinnamon. Powerful aroma and even more powerful vibration. This blend has a protective element as well. Use when you want to intensify your charisma, attraction or blend with Enchantment to create favor everywhere you go. It is also great to use as a domination blend.
Luxurious Candle
$33.00C-090Gold encrusted power candle infused to bring the luxuries of life into your reality.
7 African Powers Candle
$25.00C-0887 African Powers are the protective force that guides in wisdom and guards with diligence. Powerful protective and summoning experience in this 100% soy wax candle.
Olodumare Candle
$25.00C-080Connect with the energy and brilliance of the Creative divine masculine, Olodumare. Great for summoning or infusing the energy of gratitude to him. Also a powerful tool or companion for personal healing rituals and meditation.
Showing 17–32 of 66 resultsSorted by latest