Pay Me Candle

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Pay Me Candle



This ritually charged candle has the power of 4 amplifiers and sigil behind it. If there is debt outstanding to you, this candle with your intention is a surefire way to recall it.



You’ve given time. You’ve put a lot of energy out there for others. You’ve invested your money. Maybe they didn’t reciprocate, repay or even acknowledge it, maybe they weren’t able to. Either way, this blend is an amplified F—k You, Pay Me energy, but intentioned for not just money. The time you’ve put into others, now others will come to put that time into you, put energy into your life and goals, and invest money into your life or business. Pay Me recalls your money, time and energy and it works extremely fast when used frequently.


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    Sale! Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $11.11.O-0494
