Poseidon, god of water and also the creative essence and flow of life. He is often misunderstood but very much a powerful influence to work with for healing and expansion.
Poseidon, god of water and also the creative essence and flow of life. He is often misunderstood but very much a powerful influence to work with for healing and expansion. His best offerings are sweet water, salt water or honey or oil infused water.
Poseidon, god of water and also the creative essence and flow of life. He is often misunderstood but very much a powerful influence to work with for healing and expansion.
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Summon the master of emotions, spirituality and mysticism, Olokun. He is the god of the deep. He heals and balances the emotional states of those who come to him, but also he helps fortify warriors emotionally so that they do not take on trauma. He is perfect for shadow work and ancestral healing.
Oil used to invoke deities and elementals.
Our most powerful blend for those ascending. It heals the DNA and helps to activate more of the code so that you can live a more empowered and successful life. This blend pairs well with the Ancestor blend as the ancestors are an important part of unlocking what lies within. **Customers say they love to use on their feet and feel a powerful vibration when doing so. Pro Tip: Add this to your Bloodline Cleanse or Soul Cleanse candle to aid in a swifter healing and alignment. Great for healing baths. Mix 2 droppers with one dropper of Healing Arts to experience a physical and emotional clearing that is tangible.
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Shaniece Melvin (verified owner) –
I’m rating one star but I really want to leave none. He is very aggressive & degrading. I tried to be open minded about trying to understand him but he acted like everything I read about. He is a very misogynistic energy. He gets very aggressive when he feels entitled to something. He tried to take over all of my things & does not take instructions well. He is a very perverted energy too. Buy at your own risk.