
Showing all 3 results

  • Divination Candle

    Thoroughly charged and blessed to assist in your divinations and to add energy to your third eye, this candle is an EXPERIENCE!

    • divination
    • divine
    • divining
    • readers
    • seer
    • Spiritual Power


  • Divination Oil

    Used to help divine answers and upcoming events. The reported favorite customer use for this oil includes divining when to get into relationships and the quality of said relationship followed closely by divining for wealth and abundance. Creative Use: use a drop on your tarot or oracle decks weekly to keep them clear and charged.

    • Clarity and Direction
    • divination
    • divining
    • oracle
    • Spiritual Power
    • tarot


  • Ancient Secrets Channeling Blend

    Channel wisdom and knowledge from those who laid the foundations of creation, the Ancient Ones!

    • Ancestral Veneration
    • automatic writing
    • channeling
    • divining
    • Spiritual Power


Showing all 3 results