The goddess of love, home, family, restoration, and familial wealth.
Hathor is a divine essence that encompasses the fullness of love, from self love to romantic love, love of life and more. She is also warrior and wise. This oil yields well to bath and other water work, candle work, diffusers, as a meditative companion and specifically brings in close encounters via wearing over the heart and crown chakras simultaneously.
The goddess of love, home, family, restoration, and familial wealth.
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Bring in the grace and blessing of Yemaya, the Great Mother. Work with Yemaya to heal from a broken heart, deep hurt from betrayals, to assist with grief over loss or death, or to launch more into your divine power. She’s a healer and great at guiding in the art of healing. She brings balance and wisdom. Use a dropper of oil in your diffuser to release her energy throughout your home. Add a dropper to candles when doing spells or rituals. Great for bath and meditation time as well.
Oshun statue Oshun summoning oil Glamour Me oil Beauty butter Beauty bath blend FemiVinity candle Box of incense 3 Intuitively selected stones (may be loose stones, pendulums, bracelets, or worry stones when in stock)
Isis statue, Isis summoning oil, Dark Mother oil, Goddess butter, Goddess bath blend, Goddess candle, Box of incense, 3 Intuitively selected stones. (may be loose stones, pendulums, bracelets, or worry stones when in stock)
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