Magickal Oils

  • Qetesh Oil

    The brilliant and powerful mistress of the gods, she is one of the most life changing. She was considered the mistress or confidant of the gods. She was one of the most trusted energies of ancient times. She is considered the mistress of magic and one of the most powerful conjurers. She teaches the dark arts and assists with obtaining positions of power and trust.

    • Kadesh
    • Lady of the Heavens
    • Qadesh
    • Qetesh


  • Expansive Oil

    It’s here! The movement and the magick that is Expansive. This is an energy expanding blend to assist with manifestation of everything! Expansive is the magick of Jupiter and the expansive nature of the Universe. It is blended with essences and infused with magick to help expand your energy. This blend expands your mental energy and creativity. It expands your physical and emotional energy as well. It is great for healing and emotional wellness, sexuality and manifestation of abundance. Great to enhance and power enchantments. Add to your bath and rub on to infuse your physical body with the energy. Use in candle magick and water magick to add expansive energy to your work. Use in diffuser to shift your home and all who live in it.

    • energy expansion
    • growth oil
    • Jupiter


  • Sacrifice Oil

    Command all that you desire based upon what is owed and who has opposed you. This is one of the strongest command oils available. Sacrifice is created to exchange energy, making a sacrifice of your hang ups, your fears and your opposition in exchange for the life you truly want to live. This is a I Command All oil, meaning you are demanding for your pain all that you desire. You are forcing the issue of your will against those and that which oppose you. It is specialty magick and a premium product, blended for the experienced practitioners and those who are doing major overhaul work on their lives.

    • command
    • dark magick
    • occult
    • Sacrifice


  • Familiar Oil

    Call to, bond with and strengthen your familiar.

    • Familiar
    • spiritual companion


  • Ambition Oil

    Build your inner fortitude and create the life you desire! Ambition is a power infusing blend. It is infused with clarity, direction, force and boldness. Ambition is the audacity to live your life on your own terms according to the power vested in you. It is your get up and get going blend. Great for daily wear, haircare products, for diffuser, as a meditative tool and in candle work.

    • ambitious
    • boldness
    • courage
    • Inner fortitude


  • In Focus Oil

    Bring your desires and direction into clear focus! In focus is a multiple use oil that is blended through 4 processes to assist with bringing your goals, your desires and your direction into focus. It is great for clearing mental chatter and clutter and helping you to focus on what’s important, especially in difficult times. It is great for assisting with visualization of your desired manifestations. It’s phenomenal at assisting with releasing doubt and disappointment. It works on your energy but also on your mind to bring them into agreement. One for the most powerful focus oils we have, it partners well with Mental Clarity, Fulfillment and Manifestation oils and candles.

    • focus
    • manifestations
    • Mental clutter
    • visualization


  • Majesty Oil

    Calling in royal privilege and power, this oil is a daily use and a life tool! It’s created to get things moving in the right direction for you RIGHT NOW. When you’re sure of what you want and who you want to be, then you’re ready for Majesty!

    • divine favor
    • divine power
    • Majesty
    • royal privilege
    Sale! Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $11.11.O-0425


  • Key of Me Oil

    Operate in the most beautiful key of YOU! This blend accentuates the greatness within.

    • confidence
    • elevation
    • freedom
    • Self love
    • Spiritual Power


  • World Domination Oil

    One of the most potent magickal oils created by Magickal Mystic, World Domination is a universal enchantment. WORLD DOMINATION, the oil to Enchant Them All. This oil was created for public figures of all sorts from politicians to musicians or speakers and authors. If it’s important that you be liked, loved, supported, this oil is for you! Great for daily bath and soaks. Add 2 droppers in your bath water or foot soak. Add oil to your candles for ritual and spell work. Add to water before pouring libation. Add in your diffuser or oil warmer to fill your home with the enchantment. Add to your hand moisturizer, wear drops on your pulse points. (Always do a skin test first)

    • enchantment spells
    • public figure oil
    • World Domination


  • Kubera Oil

    Kubera, the god of wealth and guardian of the world, is infused with the fullness of his energy and grace, guidance and divine protection. Working with Kubera is a commitment to elevation that involves more than money and riches. Kubera calls his students higher, helping them to embrace divinity as a reality. But his nature is one of abundance and opulence. He balances the spiritual and natural in a harmonious way in your life. He guides toward lasting wealth and shows how to implement long term wealth producers in your life. Suggested offering if you are new to working with him - flower petals with honey

    • Abundance
    • god king
    • god of wealth
    • Kuber
    • Kubera
    • Yakshas
    Sale! Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $11.11.O-0422


  • Lyran Oil

    This starseed call oil is for the Lyran star system and the beings who carry that energy. It’s a powerful alignment tool. Add 2 droppers to your bath water when doing bath work or healing baths. Great for creating a hand or foot soak with a dropper full. Use the water as warm as you are comfortable to activate the oils and herbs.

    • Lyran
    • star systems
    • starseeds


  • Mammon Oil

    Old god of wealth, the personification of money and material possessions! Mammon, the personification of wealth and money, is an old god, originally worshipped by the Chaldeans but much older than them. While many consider Mammon the god of greed, he is actually the answer to greed. Mammon does not just give you everything you want, but helps you to clarify your desires, and takes the summoning party deeper into themselves to see what things are necessary for a great life and what things aren’t. He is a guide, similar to a grandfather with wisdom and kindness. He is expansive and gives more opportunities than almost any other wealth deity known to mankind. Use him in bath, in candles, but for a very personal experience, rub down in the oil before bed to call him up into your dreams and teach you. Make sure to do a skin test first to make sure you can tolerate the oil directly on the skin. Great for diffusers and hair as well. Try working with him for 44 days in a row.

    • Chaldean god of wealth
    • god of wealth
    • Mammon
    • Money


  • Minerva Oil

    The embodiment of wisdom and justice, she is the guide who assists in helping your life and your actions make sense, coalesce into something beautiful.

    • arts
    • education
    • Minerva
    • Roman goddess
    • wisdom


  • Pot of Gold Oil

    Pot of Gold is the Money Come Quickly blend that everyone has been asking for and something it took more than 8 months of work to perfect and test out. Pot of Gold is blended with the energy of luck, good fortune, opulence and lasting wealth. Combined energies of Jupiter, Mars and the Sun add speed and expansion. Plutus/Pluton, Clauneck, Aje, Oya, Lakshmi, Horus, Caishen, Hotei, Fortuna, Laima, Ostara, the muses are all invoked to further power this oil and the energy of Mercury further adds clarity and speed. Several quiet hands of power are also infused. Work with this blend through rituals and spells, wear daily for at least 88 days as the 8 is sacred in this work. Wear over crown and heart space as well as pulse points. Use in diffuser and bath. Create your own pot of coins soaked in your oil to add wealth energy to your home.

    • Business
    • Gold
    • good luck
    • Money
    • wealth


  • Draconian Oil

    Align with the energies of the Draco star system.

    • Draco
    • dragons
    • royalty
    • star system
    • Starseed


  • Devastation Oil

    The blend created to level your enemies and create utter chaos in their lives! To use, create a sacred space that is designed to deal with the source of your woes. Add this oil into a black or brown candle while chanting “This is the end of you!” Visualize light illuminating and consuming all that opposes you. You may use it the same way in your diffuser or humidifier. May also be added to the shoe, clothing or body of your enemy if you have access and just a dropper will do the trick.

    • baneful magic
    • chaos magick
    • Devastation
    • ritual oil
