The energy of an elevated frequency which draws favor, increases influence, and creates an umbrella of flowing and abundant opportunities!
The energy of an elevated frequency which draws favor, increases influence, and creates an umbrella of flowing and abundant opportunities! This candle has been used by professionals to secure better positions with higher pay. It has also been used in love magick to attract the best possible mate. The uses are endless.
Pro tip: burn as the middle candle in a five candle pentacle setup for wealth. Great when paired with Luxurious, Millionaires, Fulfillment, and R$ch B$tch
The energy of an elevated frequency which draws favor, increases influence, and creates an umbrella of flowing and abundant opportunities!
The energy of Chosen is favored, the decided victor in all circumstances. Chosen is a lifetime vibe, thus definitely a daily bath and daily wear. Pro Tip: Bath, foot soaks, wear, conditioner and candle work all are primary uses for this oil, but you will see the biggest shift by bathing in and wearing it daily for at least 21 days. *Please do a skin test before applying over large portions of the body.
R$ch B$tch oil, fragrance, candle, bath blend, body butter.
The energy of Chosen is favored, the decided victor in all circumstances. Chosen is a lifetime vibe, thus definitely a daily wear mist to enhance the way others react to you. Chosen channels in the energy of divine favor, elevated protection and guidance, abundant support. It calls people into alignment and favorable relationship with you.
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