Queen of mystics and a goddess who shifts everything about your life, Isis is considered a mother of divinity.
The walker of realms, great mother, protectress, chief of all mystics, Goddess Isis. She is powerful across ALL aspects of life and works on behalf of those who call upon her, but does require reciprocity in her relationships from beginning to end. Isis is best worked with in her own dedicated space. She is a relational deity, meaning she is one who wants to be in a partnership with you, exchanging energy and making moves together. Use this candle to connect with her or to add her wisdom and power to your house, your spells or rituals or to your prosperity altar.
Queen of mystics and a goddess who shifts everything about your life, Isis is considered a mother of divinity.
Isis statue, Isis summoning oil, Dark Mother oil, Goddess butter, Goddess bath blend, Goddess candle, Box of incense, 3 Intuitively selected stones. (may be loose stones, pendulums, bracelets, or worry stones when in stock)
The walker of realms, great mother, protectress, chief of all mystics, Goddess Isis.
Isis was the daughter of the earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut and the sister of the deities Osiris, Seth, and Nephthys. She was also wife to Osiris, god of the underworld, and bore him a son, Horus. ...
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