Metatron, the energy of pure knowledge, is the embodiment of the secrets of creation, flow and energy itself.
Metatron is the energy of knowledge, embodied knowledge. The secrets of creation and the cycle of the Universe rest within this being. Metatron’s cube of wholeness, solidarity and balance even through states of flux is very powerful and is representative of the womb, making it one of THE most powerful manifestation tools available to man. This candle is charged with the knowledge and how to of creation/manifestation.
Pro Tip: place your manifestation list under this candle and keep the energy flowing for 8 days in a row to see results. Write out a manifestation list and cut into tiny pieces and sprinkle in your Metatron candles to see more powerful results. The longer you use this candle consistently, the swifter and longer lasting results will be.
Metatron, the energy of pure knowledge, is the embodiment of the secrets of creation, flow and energy itself.
Personal wealth ritual designed to open doors of opportunity, bring forth increase in all areas and increase the income and legacy building opportunities of a specific person. Can be used for a married couple.
Metatron, considered the angel of knowledge and scribe of god, is actually a god, the divine energy of knowledge. Metatron is the energy of knowledge, embodied knowledge. The secrets of creation and the cycle of the Universe rest within this being. Metatron’s cube of wholeness, solidarity and balance even through states of flux is very powerful and is representative of the womb, making it one of the most powerful manifestation tools available to man. This oil is an offering and summoning oil created to channel the energy and power of Metatron or to be used as an offering to his energy.
Channel wisdom and knowledge from those who laid the foundations of creation, the Ancient Ones!
Achieve a higher vibration and align more with your higher self. Recommended for wear, bath, and diffuser as well as rituals. Always do a skin test before applying over the whole body. Great for mixing with your favorite body butter or lotion. After 7 days of continuous use, you should notice a change in your frequency.
Oil used to invoke deities and elementals.
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