Ose Demon Oil

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Ose Demon Oil



Ose is the demon of secrets, a master secret keeper and guardian of all things that resonate with creation and organization of the universe itself. Personal best friend when summoned and fed properly.



Pro Tip: Work with Ose during times when you are seeking to create something, whether a business, a literary work, or maybe classes or courses. He is also great to work with during channeling. He is an energy that grows stronger as you maintain the relationship with him. Look to give him offerings at least twice per week, libation of warm sweet water or wine is preferred. Add his oil to your tealights and oil warmers as an offering. Use in candle magick and rituals to add his element to any work you’re doing.

Pairs well with Reveal All as well when it comes to discovering secrets that may be affecting you and your bloodline.
Offering suggestions- grilled meat, dark teas, honey, coffee


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