The wise and dutiful counselor and advisor to the mystic and seekers.
I suggest working with him for a minimum of 60 days, spending at least 22 minutes a day with him. The benefits can be the foundation of everything you desire.
Ancient god and wise counsel to those who are called to lordship, rulership or carry the energy of royalty. Dantalion assists with identity crisis and can help you find your place in this world.
The wise and dutiful counselor and advisor to the mystic and seekers.
I suggest working with him for a minimum of 60 days, spending at least 22 minutes a day with him. The benefits can be the foundation of everything you desire.
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Wealth of Wisdom is a blend to bring in ancient wisdom from your bloodline, your spirit team and to tap into the knowledge of past lives. This is a channeling oil, meaning that it can cause lucid dreams and downloads of information. Wear it, bathe in it or use in your candles and diffusers.
Courageous king filled with music and power. Beleth is considered a demonic king, the dark lord of celebration, elevation and longevity. He is also considered the lord of music and great for those who want to launch a career in music, poetry or other literature. He is great for those who seek a long life as well, and activates the shaman within.
Get the counsel, wisdom and guidance of Dantalion, a powerful daemon, ancient god, who is much more than any of the research reveals and he is loyal to those who treat him well.
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