Saraswati Oil

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Saraswati Oil



Goddess of wisdom, knowledge, music and arts, a beloved one who elevates the human experience and shows the hidden and quiet aspects of divinity within the simple things.

PRO TIP: for swift manifestation power and overall healing, or abundance work, pair her with Parvati and Lakshmi for 8 days minimum.



Saraswati is a goddess you should plan to work with for at least a year. She’s a methodical teacher, enlightener and healer, as well as a guide into deeper divine wisdom. She illuminates the human experience and shows the path to divinity. She is also a goddess who unleashes divine pleasures and helps the devotee to widen their perception and experience.
After doing a skin test, this oil is great for goddess baths or regular baths, foot soaks, to wear, to use as an offering or libation as well as candles and diffusers.


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