Frequency Candle

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Frequency Candle



Adjust your frequency and change your life. This product takes you to the highest frequencies and increases your ability to perform in life the way you want to.



Frequency candle is like a frequency doctor. This magick was created to help give you a boost and shortcut as it pertains to fixing your vibration so that you draw the best things and experiences into your life. This blend can fix, alter or amplify your frequency and the results are tangible within a few short days of use. You can also use it to cloak your frequency when doing work. Thus it is great for manifestation, healing and protection.

Great to burn as part of any ritual, or as part of your meditative experience. Amazing tool to add to your healing rituals and spells and overall, it is a good candle to keep burning in your home. Made from soy wax so it is safe to burn often.

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