3 Way Dragon Oil
$39.99O-0280Blended to awaken, summon and feed your dragon. VERY POWERFUL!
7 African Powers Oil
$39.99O-0276Blended with the energy, protection and wisdom of the 7 African Powers for protection, guidance and grace.
Abaddon Oil
$39.99O-0527Abaddon, the Great Crusader, the ancient lord of justice. Be avenged with swiftness. His protection is top tier! Abaddon is one of those energies who build long term relationships. Known to appear as either male or female in energy, this dark ruler can manifest itself through shadows and often visits during dreams.
Abundance Oil
$33.00O-0371Designed to attract an abundance of finances and financial opportunities.
Accumulation Oil
$44.00O-0492ACCUMULATION! Pull in wealth through multiple avenues. Real estate. Investments in stocks and bonds, mutual funds. Business. Inheritance. Winnings. Gifts. It’s time to call in what you desire and open the door wide to how you are willing to receive it! Accumulation pulls in assets, income and opportunities. It is the strongest pure wealth product yet, blended with a very specific focus and amplified to bring what you desire without restraints. Be wise about usage and keep yourself open to receive. Great for spell and ritual candles, bath, diffuser, to rub on your hands daily before leaving home, to put on your money, cards and more. Use in head washes for a wealth mindset. Use in foot soaks and hand soaks.
Adore Me Oil
$33.00O-0388Bring love, support, understanding, companionship that is enjoyable. This oil is amped up and infused with the energy of 7 divine essences.
Affluence Oil
$44.00O-0517This power infused oil is ritually charged to increase your power to produce and maintain wealth and enhance your ability to add assets to your portfolio. It is the ultimate in wealth, luxury, luck and privilege. This oil is blended light enough for bath, wear (always do a skin test first- contains high quality essential oils). Great for your diffuser, oil warmer, and made specifically for the magick of candles and water. Add to your candles before burning, or use in your offerings before pouring libation.
Age of Anu
$39.99O-0323The first and only Anu inspired and energy infused oil on the market. This oil is filled with the energy and secrets of creation and re-creation. The summoning, invocation, channeling blend of the All Father in one of his proper names, Anu.
Aje Oil
$33.00O-0389Aje is the goddess of wealth, business, commerce and more. She’s the perfect energy for those looking to get into real estate, stocks and any other kind of trade or establish a business. She helps you to become more sensitive to the flow of money so that you can sync with it and bring it into your life and business in a more efficient way on a continual basis.
Ajna Chakra Oil
$33.00O-0259Ajna Chakra- moves stagnant energy from the third eye and infuses it with the energy of love and perfect trust to improve your intuition and visualization abilities. Some customers report improved memory recall.
Akasha Oil
$39.99O-0273Access to your Akashic records, past lives and great for past life regressions. This oil is powerful.
All Is Fair Oil
$33.00O-0518The energy of Astarte captured in her purest essence. She is the goddess of love. She is the goddess of war. She is a goddess of extremes and contrasting dynamics. She brings an intense power of protection, but also a fiery passion for life and love. She is hot, expansive, enlivening!
Amaterasu Oil
$33.00O-0316One of the most important Shinto deities, Amaterasu is the goddess of the rising sun, goddess of royalty and imperial power, creation as well as the flow of power. She has many facets and can also appear genderless.
Ambition Oil
$44.00O-0427Build your inner fortitude and create the life you desire! Ambition is a power infusing blend. It is infused with clarity, direction, force and boldness. Ambition is the audacity to live your life on your own terms according to the power vested in you. It is your get up and get going blend. Great for daily wear, haircare products, for diffuser, as a meditative tool and in candle work.
Amplify Oil
$44.00O-0521Amplify, the energy of stronger, faster, louder, longer, the magick and the results! Amplify is used to make you and your work stronger, to bring about faster results, to ensure the results last longer than they normally do. It’s also good for extending your meditations and empowering your divination, extending your time in out of body experiences and more. It is pure amplification magick. It will work on what you apply it to. Use this oil as a wear on or bath blend, add to all spellwork, use to bless your altar and altar tools, especially your crystals. Great for diffusers as well.
Anat Oil
$33.00O-0488Goddess of love and war, fertility and beauty, Anat was one of the most beloved goddesses amongst the ancients. Considered sister of Baal and by some the daughter of Rah or Ptah, Anat represented the complete cycle of life. The Anat oil is energetically infused with the summoned energy of the goddess, and intentioned for fertility, creativity, reproduction, beauty, love, enchantment, sex and strategic warfare.
Ancestor Oil
$33.00O-0211Call forth, strengthen, feed and honor your ancestors. Blended to help you connect better, hear clearer and empower you to heal and infuse energy into your bloodline, this is a perfect oil for bath, for the diffuser, for candle magick, to add to ancestral offerings, or to wear.
Ancestral Warriors Oil
$39.99O-0212Call forth the warriors of your bloodline for protection and wisdom.
Ancient Secrets Channeling Blend
$44.00O-0213Channel wisdom and knowledge from those who laid the foundations of creation, the Ancient Ones!
Andras Oil
$39.99O-0398The Marquis and Warrior who is often sought during times of rampant injustice! When calling for Andras, always put out a cup of coffee or black tea, or leave an offering of licorice or an herbal bowl. He enjoys being courted and he expects to be heard so be prepared to write out the instructions he often gives.
Andromalius Oil
$39.99O-0329One of the powerful punishers of the dark world, Andromalius helps bring back stolen goods, reveal secrets, and punishes evil deeds done to you by others. He is a protector and a strong defense against those who rise against you unjustly.
Anunnaki Oil
$39.99O-0215Connect with a race of creators and activate your relationship with them.
Apex Power Oil
$77.00O-0539Apex, above the food chain energy! Elevate yourself above the fray, the negative energy, the noise of life and all the distractions. Apex, Friend or Food, makes all things useful, even baneful energy. It is the premium feast of protection, the unleashing of defensive forces and the transmutation of all energy into what is useful! Infused with the energy of infernal and primordial protectors, this blend is wonderful for bath, meditation, to dress your candles, to add to spiritual offerings and more. DO NOT CONSUME! 1oz
Ascension Survival Oil
$44.00O-0221Help ease the symptoms of ascension sickness, including joint aches. Great for baths and diffusers.
Asmodeus Oil
$39.99O-0330Asmodeus is a loyal and powerful old god that brings actionable knowledge and ground-shaking power into your life. He is protective but not coddling. You must be courageous to work with him and be willing to grow in courage. Great energy to work with as a couple or family as well. He is the king of the Djinn, a manifestation master and great for lust spells.
Astaroth Oil
$39.99O-0331Great Duke and powerful leader, mentor in dark arts. Astaroth represents freedom from social norms and constraints, a freedom to take on more spiritual power and ascend. He is a freedom fighter and protector. He reverses dark magick sent toward you. Great one of time and chaos magick, this energy can come through as male or female and helps to learn the mystical arts of time manipulation, chaos creation and destruction, hierarchy mastery and more. Very powerful energy to build an ongoing relationship with as a teacher and guide. There is a sexual element to his nature as well and he is often instrumental at unlocking repressed sexual energy, as well as helping to purge sexual sorrow and traumas. I worked with him to balance out the traumas of early sexual experiences. Give him some weeks but within a few short months, you’ll see a tremendous difference.
Attraction Oil
$33.00O-0372This oil amps up your ability to attract to yourself the things you most desire, whether it be a partner, money, opportunities, success, health, etc.
Aura Oil
$33.00O-0532The Aura Oil is made with a unique blend of herbs and essences to assist with clearing your aura, sealing it of any energetic leaks, fortifying and strengthening it against attacks, and beautifying it to attract the best possible options into your life, attracting partners and supporters. Aura oil is excellent as a daily bath companion, for soaks, for head washes, for your personal diffuser, and used in any and all healing and protection magick as well as self love workings. Add to your lotion or butter for some razzle dazzle.
Auset Oil
$33.00O-0486Auset, the Kemetic deity often syncretized to Isis, is one of the oldest and purest versions of the divine feminine and represents the giver of life and guide through life and the afterlife. She is Creatrix and Protectress. She is a proponent for the evolution and elevation of humankind and is often said to be a teacher of arts, writing and agriculture. She is divine and she is royalty and is often honored as queen. Work with Auset to bring new life, expansion and wisdom into your life. Great also for those who want to learn magick, natural arts and other wise workings. She is a walker of veils and an initiator.
Ayida Wedo Oil
$33.00O-0491Ayida Wedo is the energy of creation and the embodiment of the divine feminine energy. She is a healer, a soul restorer, kundalini and Shakti energy initiator, an enchantress, a perfect blend of Fire and Water. She is considered the divine lover and mother. She is filled with wisdom and strategy. She’s stealthy in protection and vibrant in love. She is a representation of wealth as well.
Azazel Oil
$39.99O-0337Demon of creativity and ingenuity. Teaches weaponry, glamours and cosmetics. Destroys false social constructs and champions the rebel. He grants power over oppressive forces. Often considered the scapegoat demon, he has been worshipped since before the times of Jesus when people offered up goats and other animals for their sins to be forgiven and receive favor. Very powerful and one of the best allies to have in ascension and dark workings.
Baba Yaga Oil
$33.00O-0346The ancient witch and worker of dark magick. Protectress and guide for those new to magick. She's a powerhouse who is one of the best trainers in mysticism you can find. She is the energy of 1,000,000 spells.
Baby Bliss Oil
$39.99O-0364Bring your baby into a peaceful vibration and make them more harmonious to deal with. Also good for sleep times.
Barely Breathing Oil
$55.00O-0541Barely Breathing, the magick of dark arts conjuring for protection, leveling and recompense. If you leave your enemy with too much energy, they will use it to destroy you. Now, you can lay them down and get them completely out of your hair while still leaving room for the Universe to restore them and make them useful. Barely Breathing, a plight which only spiritual redemption and elevation can save you from!
Bastet Oil
$33.00O-0326Summoning oil of the panther goddess, the catty flirty feline Bastet. Very powerful oil blend. Bastet is a goddess who represents and ferociously protects feminine freedoms. Call her forth for protection, for guidance, for garnering support and learning glamours and enchantments and more.
BD Energy Oil
$33.00O-0386Boss Diva/Big D**k Energy, the blend created from the personal energy of Emme Rain, used to shift your vibration, focus and reality. This is a great blend for candle work and bath time or foot soaks, although it does contain both clove and cinnamon. Powerful aroma and even more powerful vibration. This blend has a protective element as well. Use when you want to intensify your charisma, attraction or blend with Enchantment to create favor everywhere you go. It is also great to use as a domination blend.
Beautiful Destruction Oil
$55.00O-0531The end of a thing! The complete annihilation of every opposing, destructive force in your life, the beauty of a fresh start and razed ground. Use this blend to bring about the completion of the influence and tactics of enemies, energetic and physical. Level everything that has brought destruction and pain, and end every connection to known and unknown enemies, removing every good thing that is propping them up in their wicked behavior. The destruction of that which harms is a beautiful destruction!
Beautiful Oil
$44.00O-0497Be beautiful. Do beautiful things. Have a beautiful experience. Beautiful is about complete satisfaction with your life and trust in your journey, so much so that you allow yourself to enjoy EACH part- rain, sleet, snow, sun, light or darkness… each part! Beautiful shifts your mood, increases your creativity, amplifies your pleasure, releases guilt, releases shame, removes unnecessary weight off your shoulders. It’s a beautiful life and that’s your truth!
Beleth Oil
$39.99O-0342Courageous king filled with music and power. Beleth is considered a demonic king, the dark lord of celebration, elevation and longevity. He is also considered the lord of music and great for those who want to launch a career in music, poetry or other literature. He is great for those who seek a long life as well, and activates the shaman within.
Better Business Oil
$39.99O-0230Bring good energy to your business, enchant it to increase customers and sales. Blended to draw customers who want what you offer and who will love it, it is like an attraction spell for business in a bottle. It is also blended with mental essences to enhance your ability to pull down ideas that will help you grow your business offerings or open more businesses. PRO TIP: Use consistently for at least 30 days.
Black Gold Oil
$44.00O-0502Amplify the power of your melanin, call forth the ingenuity and power of your bloodline back to its origins, put forth a cosmic demand for what is due to the lineage in your physical reality, pull in high level opportunities, multiply your income, increase wisdom exponentially, and align with the golden era of your life.
Blood In The Water Oil
$44.00O-0519The premier protection combo that helps you tap into high level defense against baneful magick. It is offensive protection. Great for capitalizing on the weakness of those who come against you. Use the oil in candles, diffuser or to set your altar space.
Bloodline Cleanse Oil
$39.99O-0358Oil blended to help cleanse binds, hexes, and low vibrational cycles in the bloodline. Very powerful to help heal old karmic issues as well. It combines well with Ancestor, Grace of the Ancients and DNA Repair and Activate oils.
Brahma Oil
$33.00O-0520The great wise sage and creator spirit of Brahma, he who elevates your frequency and amplifies your own creative potential.
Brigid Oil
$33.00O-0319Brigid the Triple Goddess for her fires of the hearth, inspiration, and the forge. She is the patroness of healing arts, fertility, poetry, music, prophecy, agriculture, and smithcraft. Many people also call her the Goddess of the Well, as she also has ties to the element of water.
Bune Oil
$39.99O-0328Duke of Hell commands legions. Bune makes men eloquent and wise, and gives true answers to their demands and also riches. He speaks with a eloquent voice. Bune is often shown as a three-headed dragon, his heads like those of a dog, a griffin, and a man.
Captivating Oil
$55.00O-0530You are more than you know you are! There is something beautiful, unforgettable and undeniable about you. This is the strongest wake up enchantment oil we’ve made to date. CAPTIVATING, an oil made for your bath, your body, an oil to drench you in a delightful frequency and ensure your happiness and success!
Caress Oil
$33.00O-0385Get the affection, pampering, and attention you deserve. Blended with both self love and confidence as well as passion and desire, this is an oil of sexual and emotional freedom. Very beautiful but soft and enveloping aroma and a lasting experience for the user. Great for daily wear but can be used as all other oils in candles, diffusers and baths.
Cease and Desist Oil
$44.00O-0278A blend of the most powerful protection and dominance herbs and oils. Further powered by deity, sigil and dark energy. This stops negativity and baneful magick in its tracks.
Centering Oil
$33.00O-0216Balance your spiritual and physical energies.
Chakra Alignment Oil
$33.00O-0257Chakra oils work to heal, balance and align your chakras. Chakra Alignment- pulls your energy centers into alignment so that energy flows more freely, which improves your state of mind, well-being and life overall
Chosen Oil
$44.00O-0405The energy of Chosen is favored, the decided victor in all circumstances. Chosen is a lifetime vibe, thus definitely a daily bath and daily wear. Pro Tip: Bath, foot soaks, wear, conditioner and candle work all are primary uses for this oil, but you will see the biggest shift by bathing in and wearing it daily for at least 21 days. *Please do a skin test before applying over large portions of the body.
Clauneck Oil
$39.99O-0344Demon of Wealth, the finder of lost treasures and restorer of wealth robbed through the generations. Very powerful conjuring blend and brings on a connection with Clauneck himself. He speaks a lot during twilight hours and daydreams/trance state, showing you areas where you are losing wealth in your life across the board. This oil is great for diffuser, candle work, offering, to add to libation for him, to wear over crown and third eye for invocation and also during bath time.
Clientele Oil
$44.00O-0504Clientele, what every business owner needs plenty of. The magick of this blend is to build businesses and create a successful foundation for growth. This blend is an 8 infusion oil. It gets stronger with each use and with consistency, the magick will continue even when the oil is not in use. This blend is created with infusions and incantations that calls for more customers and clients and amplifies the energy of your integrity and skillset. It is like a megaphone announcing your business to the world, but the scent is gentle and lasting.
Concordia Oil
$33.00O-415Concordia is the goddess of agreement and concord. She’s powerful for alignment work, gaining support and momentum as well as inheritance work.
Conjure of Paimon Oil
$39.99O-0336The magic, conjure and channeled chaos of Paimon. He is the wish granter and the freedom fighter for those who have suffered setbacks and a life of mess ups.
Cosmic Union Oil
$39.99O-0365The energy of twin flames and soul mates but on a cosmic level. This oil is not just about lovers though. It can be used to bring your soul family back into your life and also to call the energies that are most beneficial to your ascension, those energies who have been helpful to you in prior lifetimes.
Counsel of Dantalion Oil
$39.99O-0335Get the counsel, wisdom and guidance of Dantalion, a powerful daemon, ancient god, who is much more than any of the research reveals and he is loyal to those who treat him well.
Court Case Oil
$44.00O-0367Blended to help you secure victory in your court and all other legal situations. Best used in candle work and also to rub on hands and feet prior to going to court. May also be used in bath and diffuser during meditation on victory in the case.
Crow Magick Oil
$39.99O-413The magick of the crow is complex and varied, offering a variety of occult answers along our journey. Crows enhance spiritual sight, allowing you to see further and clearer, both in divination and also in visualizations for magick. They are powerful protectors, guides and anchors those who veilwalk, acting as a spiritual balancer. The energy of death and regeneration is in this oil and ready to be used. Decide what you desire and begin working.
Crown Clearing Oil
$33.00O-0258Clear the crown chakra of clutter and stagnant energy so there is more clarity in connecting with your higher self. Also great for assisting with channeling and energy infusions for healing and direction.
Crown of Krishna
$33.00O-0356The beloved Krishna yields his wisdom and guidance through this summoning oil.
Damballah Oil
$33.00O-0320The powerful energy highly revered throughout the islands including Haiti. Known to be protective, Damballah helps clear out ancient blockages or create generational curses, depending upon how you approach him. This oil is for summoning, feeding and invoking this fiery serpentine god.
Dark Arts Oil
$39.99O-0249Tap into the creative arts of the primordial energy and channel in powerful forces to help you bring speed and precision to your work.
Dark Matter Oil
$39.99O-0248One of the strongest Magickal Mystic oils yet, this is a primordial creation oil, made for master manifestors. It helps you channel primordial energy into your desired manifestations and speeds the process. Very aggressive and fast moving so handle with care.
Dark Mother Oil
$39.99O-0250Connect with the primordial mother and energies of creation. This oil is great for mastery of self and of the arts. Created for wear and bath, as well as ritual, it is a multi-use oil. It is blended strong so please do a skin test before applying all over your body.
Debt Cancellation Oil
$44.00O-0254Use to cancel and lower debt. Best used in white, green or gold candles during your money work, also should be kept on your money altar. It can be worn, bathed in or used in your oil warmer or diffuser. Write down or arrange all your bills on the altar space and anoint with the oil. If you have the Debt Cancellation candle, put the candle over the top of the bills before lighting up.
Demonic Kings Oil
$44.00O-0279Charged with the energy of the demonic kings, this oil is created to offer wisdom, protection and guidance from the other side.
Desirable Oil
$33.00O-0513Desirable is the magick of attraction, attention, passion and pleasure wrapped in beneficial and loving energy. It is a powerful enchantment set with sigils and sex magick. Easy to use. Just appply and go. Wonderful as an amplifier for your love, sex or attraction rituals and spells. Powerful in bath and pleasure enhancing when used in a diffuser.
Devastation Oil
$44.00O-416The blend created to level your enemies and create utter chaos in their lives! To use, create a sacred space that is designed to deal with the source of your woes. Add this oil into a black or brown candle while chanting “This is the end of you!” Visualize light illuminating and consuming all that opposes you. You may use it the same way in your diffuser or humidifier. May also be added to the shoe, clothing or body of your enemy if you have access and just a dropper will do the trick.
Divination Oil
$39.99O-0247Used to help divine answers and upcoming events. The reported favorite customer use for this oil includes divining when to get into relationships and the quality of said relationship followed closely by divining for wealth and abundance. Creative Use: use a drop on your tarot or oracle decks weekly to keep them clear and charged.
Divine Surplus Oil
$44.00O-0494Divine Surplus, the energy of plentitude and overflow, is a four way infused essential oil and herbal blend used to create the energy of overflow and surplus in your life. Great for money, but can also be used for time and energy. True surplus is about graceful abundance and freedom. This blend embodies grace and freedom with the opulence.
Djinn Oil
$39.99O-0345Djinn are primordial magick embodied. They are above the traditions and sections of society, interdimensional beings, Djinn are amazing protectors and providers. They generally require time spent with them in meditation, trance state and also like sleep invocations. Give yourself at least a couple of weeks to build a strong connection. These beings are great at teaching chaos magick and creation and amazing for manifesting a life totally different than the one you’ve been living. Great for lasting wealth, health transformations and more.
DNA Repair and Activate Oil
$44.00O-0284Our most powerful blend for those ascending. It heals the DNA and helps to activate more of the code so that you can live a more empowered and successful life. This blend pairs well with the Ancestor blend as the ancestors are an important part of unlocking what lies within. **Customers say they love to use on their feet and feel a powerful vibration when doing so. Pro Tip: Add this to your Bloodline Cleanse or Soul Cleanse candle to aid in a swifter healing and alignment. Great for healing baths. Mix 2 droppers with one dropper of Healing Arts to experience a physical and emotional clearing that is tangible.
Dominate Oil
$44.00O-0240Take control over any situation, giving yourself the upper hand. When bathed in, it works more subtly to avoid the appearance of aggression, but when worn uncut, it radiates control and calls for submission.
Dominatrix Oil
$33.00O-0379Spice up your love life with this amazing blend of sexy, lusty, and controling oils and herbs. It increases your desire and releases your inner dominatrix and your inner submissive.
Draconian Oil
$39.99O-417Align with the energies of the Draco star system.
DreamBreaker Oil
$44.00O-040215Dominate and crush the enemy of your goals. This oil works to destroy the favorable flow toward accomplishment in the lives of people who seek to destroy you and pulls their favor away. This oil works best when used against those who have already made a move against you or who harbor strong ill will and intent towards you. It may also be used to penetrate the dreams of others and break their nightmares OR create nightmares for them. This is dark energy blend and should only be used when you’re certain you want to act.
DreamWalker Oil
$44.00O-0505DreamWalker oil was blended to access the dreamscape and explore dream magick. In dreamscape, there are possibilities that do not exist in the denser world of our reality. Through dreamscape, you can shift your energy and have experiences that change your life. You can walk dreams, interpret them, and stay protected. Great for divination, dream walking, dream infusions, protection work, and remote viewing. Use this oil in your diffuser before bed, in baths and foot soaks, or wear over third eye and pulse points before going into divination or dreamland. Enhances trance state when worn directly. Always do a skin test before major body application.
Druid Oil
$44.00O-412Tap into the energy and power of nature magick by channeling ancient Druid magick. Druid magick can also be harnessed for dark workings such as soul restoration and time magick. This oil is heavily infused and created to help you tap into ancient Druid magick. Great for channeling, summoning, healing, restoration, clarity, wisdom, protection and prosperity.
Easy Street Oil
$44.00O-0490Create ease and peaceful flow in your life by aligning and agreeing with what you desire and releasing the areas where you resist or deny. Easy Street is meant to enhance and create a path without resistance in your body, emotions, finances and relationships. It is a daily wear, daily use, amplifying magick that gets better and better with continued use. Use 2 droppers of Easy Street in your diffuser, oil warmer or bath, 1 dropper in your foot soaks. Wear as a moisturizer or for the aromatherapy power, place over pulse points before leaving for the day. Always do a skin test before applying directly over a large part of your body. Pro Tip: Use this oil in your candle magick and keep the work going for 8 days to create a new cycle of magick based upon ease and flow.
Ego Oil
$39.99O-0540Ego, the part of you that takes care of and celebrates YOU! EGO oil is created to help you balance, align and empower yourself. Ego is BAE!
Elements Oil
$33.00O-0363Add the 5 elements to your work through this blend. It carries a powerful blend of earth, air, fire and water energy blended through the element of spirit.
EMerge Oil
$44.00O-0381This powerful oil blend is a celebration of the emergence of YOU, your divine self, your recreated goddess/god self. This blend is highly sexual and charged with Shakti, Phoenix and Kundalini energy, among other things. Please do a patch skin test before rubbing all over your body, or blend with other skincare products if it is too strong. Use in candle magick, bath magick, during meditation, in the diffuser or oil warmer and add to offering.
EmmeBodiment Oil
$44.00O-414The fullness of divine embodiment personified in an oil, infused in alignment with cosmic initiators and energies.
EmmeBossed Oil
$44.00O-0387Based off the signature scent of the bestselling EmmeBossed fragrance, this oil carries the same vibrations, the smell and power of money, wealth and opulence. Charged with the energy of Emme Rain’s personal wealth spirit team, this oil is guaranteed to become a fan favorite. Use in candles, diffusers, baths and soaks, as well as for wear.
Enchantment Oil
$33.00O-0236Enchantment is the oil to gain favor, attention, and attract to you anyone who brings you closer to what you desire. It’s a go to and staple that should be used daily in a bath or worn over pulse points. The attraction factor picks up almost immediately. Also use in your diffuser to bring that same energy to your entire house.
Enki Oil
$33.00O-0324Son of Anu, of the ancient race, Anunnaki. Powerful divine to use for wisdom, ascension, true harnessing of power and increase in power to the entire bloodline.
Enlil Oil
$33.00O-0325Powerful fatherly energy that is a focused level up to kingship/queen ship. God of creative endeavors, mental persuasion and more. He is protective and brings on powerful downloads.
Erzulie Freda Oil
$33.00O-0322Summon this powerful goddess of beauty, femininity, love and more. She's a powerhouse and firing on all cylinders. Erzulie Freda is often venerated in Vodou. She is a loa and the goddess of love, beauty and vanity. She is great for those looking to elevate their standing in life. Great for pulling support and increasing cosmic influence. The Erzulies are powerful loa that represent the expressed power of femininity. Erzulie Freda is one of the most popular because of how powerful her enchantments are and how long lasting they can be for those working with her.
Essence of Jupiter Oil
Infused with Jupiter energy and crafted over a 22 day period, this blend is a power tool for manifesting success, joy, prosperity and health in your life. Very powerful blend so a little goes a long way.
Sold Out
Essence of Thoth Oil
$33.00O-0348The energy of Thoth is timeless and is responsible for civilization itself. Adding this powerful energy into your life will help you understand deeper, grant you access to higher knowledge and empower your creative processes.
Exalted Oil
$55.00O-0435Lifted up before your peers. Supported in all your endeavors. Supported through both good and tough times. Chosen and trusted. Elevated above being treated poorly or as an after thought. EXALTED is the blend that shifts your life forever and changes your mind right now. It works on your energetic frequency and helps to seal beloved energy into your aura field, drawing those who will cherish you and support you into your life. Powerful enchantments and infusions done on this product.
Expansive Oil
$44.00O-0430It’s here! The movement and the magick that is Expansive. This is an energy expanding blend to assist with manifestation of everything! Expansive is the magick of Jupiter and the expansive nature of the Universe. It is blended with essences and infused with magick to help expand your energy. This blend expands your mental energy and creativity. It expands your physical and emotional energy as well. It is great for healing and emotional wellness, sexuality and manifestation of abundance. Great to enhance and power enchantments. Add to your bath and rub on to infuse your physical body with the energy. Use in candle magick and water magick to add expansive energy to your work. Use in diffuser to shift your home and all who live in it.
F#ck How It Turns Out Oil
$44.00O-0401Pull back all energy given to people who misused it, who have hurt you without cause and send a heavy hand of consequence into their lives. This blend is a warfare blend. It causes calamity to your enemy so it is NOT to be used for petty squabbles. This is a serious blend to be used when you want to seriously level someone. Write their names and any other information you have. Mark through it with a red pen. Place oil on the paper and in the candle you’ll burn over the paper.
Familiar Oil
$33.00O-0428Call to, bond with and strengthen your familiar.
Family Restoration Oil
$39.99O-0256The magick and energy of bonding and mutual love and respect amongst family. Great for healing rifts and differences amongst living family members and helping couples work out relationship difficulties.
Fast Money Oil
$33.00O-0227Alleviate immediate financial needs and bring forth money. Great for putting on debts and bills to pull money in to pay them. Add to your candle and place the bills under your candle when you burn. Use it in bath or before going to casinos or to work. It is known to draw gems.
FemiVinity Oil
$33.00O-0233Balance your lower chakras. Infuse your goddess seat, the sacral chakra, with energy and love. Very healing and empowering experience, especially during meditation or bath time.
Fertility Oil
$39.99O-0368Blended to increase fertility of the body, mind and circumstances. Very powerful blend of magick and essences.
Flauros Oil
$39.99O-0333Flauros is a teacher of things concerning divinity, divine lineage, even revealing the hidden gods. He brings back those who have been forgotten through teaching. Flauros often visits in dreams or trigger daydreams. He reveals through the symbology of doors and crossroads. When setting up an altar space for him, consider creating it in black and white. He loves vanilla, mints, freshness and brightness. He is a cheerful teacher but also a powerful divine.>
Forneus Oil
$39.99O-0343The daemon of tongues, one who is versed in the languages of the ancients and who can help you tap into your original energy and the language of your home. Very powerful oil for shifting the vibration concerning how you see and hear.
Fortified Candle
$25.00C-213You are strong, so be strong. You are protected. You are safe. You are looked after by your ancestors, your spirit team and fully supported by cosmic forces who are benevolent towards you. The Fortified candle helps you tap in and keeps you shielded from anything that would shatter you. It is fiery and quick acting in candle form. Fortified is the magick of unified power. It combines the protective elements of love with dark energy shields to create a flowing and gentle feeling protective aura. Even so, this protective magick is almost completely unbreakable by outside forces.
Fortified Oil
$39.99O-0506You are strong, so be strong. You are protected. You are safe. You are looked after by your ancestors, your spirit team and fully supported by cosmic forces who are benevolent towards you. This oil helps you tap in and keeps you shielded from anything that would shatter you. Fortified is the magick of unified power. It combines the protective elements of love with dark energy shields to create a flowing and gentle feeling protective aura. Even so, this protective magick is almost completely unbreakable by outside forces. Use in your daily baths, in your diffusers around your home and office space and use in all your protection magick. Wear over your pulse points, but only use a dab. High oil content! (Always do a skin test before applying over large portions of the body)
Fortuna Oil
$33.00O-411The goddess of luck, chance, wealth and opportunity!
Frequency Oil
$39.99O-0438Your frequency determines your life and how you go through it. This is the oil that helps you adjust your frequency as you work through anything that hurts it. Frequency oil is like a frequency doctor in a bottle. This magick was created to help give you a boost and shortcut as it pertains to fixing your vibration so that you draw the best things and experiences into your life. This oil can fix, alter or amplify your frequency and the results are tangible within a few short days of use. You can also use it to cloak your frequency when doing work. Thus it is great for manifestation, healing and protection. Suggested Use: 2 full droppers in bath or foot soaks daily. Can also be used in candle work and is a powerful addition to healing and wealth work. It can be worn for protection, cloaking or amplification. It can be used in your diffuser to shift the atmosphere of your home and office. Helps with meditative frequency as well.
Fresh Out Oil
$33.00O-0524Fresh Out, the oil of freedom! Free your energy from energetic vampires. Cut cords with all the things that deplete you and leave you empty. Fresh out of chances. Fresh out of mercy. Fresh out of trying to no avail. Fresh out of lies, doubt and despair. Fresh Out is the end of toxic, energy sucking cycles.
Fresh Start Oil
$33.00O-0522New beginnings and restarts are opportunities to use what you have learned to create amazing outcomes for yourself and your family. The magick in this blend is infused with the energy of Spring, the energy of the divine mothers, with the energy of Creators and aligned to help you start again and be SUCCESSFUL this time. Tip: Pair with Debt Cancellation and Manifestation to create a new financial lease on life.
Fresh Take Oil
$33.00O-0523Rewrite the narrative of your life, changing the energy of your life. Fresh Take is a new way to look at your circumstances, experiences and the raw material in your life. It is mindset work that prepares you for success in every area of your life and helps you get over your past more completely. Everything is working together for your good!
Fulfillment Oil
$39.99O-0232Fulfillment is about self-love, wholeness, and wealth in all areas. It is the energy of completion and sweetness, elevation and evolution. It’s one of the sweetest vibrations in a bottle you’ll ever experience! Use to fortify you within and nourish your heart, this oil calls you into a deeper and more loving relationship with yourself. Best to use 2 droppers full in a bath or worn directly or in your lotion. Add to your healing or wealth candle work to enhance the outcome so that it is fulfilling instead of stressful. Use in the diffuser or oil warmer. Fulfillment has a nourishing base and helps soothe skin as well.
Full Harvest Oil
$39.99O-0407Created using lunar energy, the season of harvest and charged through the Lifetime Harvest ritual, this oil is an experience in abundance.
Furies Oil
$44.00O-0493The Furies, also called the Erinyes, are some of the most fearsome feminine energies in history. Their energy and legend has popped up in numerous ancient philosophies and spiritual systems, but were popularized by Roman mythology. Known as the daughters of original divinity and the offsprings of the primordial mother, they are the avengers of injustice and workers of justice. While always depicted as angry and uncontrollable, they are actually unwavering, powerful in wisdom, insight and carry the promise of knowing beyond all deceitful practices. They measure the heart and the outcome of actions for or against you. Furies are perfect for social justice, personal justice and family protection work. They are also amazing at teaching body technology hacks to help you align more perfectly to what your truth is. They destroy the facades and shred lies allowing nothing but truth to shine forth. In that way, they are ultimately a joy to work with. Take at least 2 months of working with them and allowing yourself to adjust to their energy and approach. If you set up an altar, you can use red jasper and black obsidian stones, mahogany obsidian is also amazing. They love red and dark wines, dark berries and they appreciate mirrors. They are actually quite beautiful, so beautiful in fact, that you can feel the energy of beauty when they approach in a calm fashion.
Ganesha Oil
$39.99O-0298Ganesha, the obstacle remover, road opener, sweet guide, and gentle beast. He is an energy you want to work with.
Generational Wealth Oil
$44.00O-0255Oil blended with the highest content and quality of herbal elements and essences to bring wealth for you and your bloodline. Pro Tip: Commit to 14 days of activating generational wealth and calling forth the knowledge and privilege that may have been denied your bloodline, as well as activating the power of the entire bloodline for wealth. Put a dropper of Generational Wealth oil in a green or white 7 day candle. Burn a tea light or chime dressed with Generational Wealth every single day during that 14 days to keep that energy growing.
Get Money Oil
$44.00O-0228Amplify your energy and money frequency, so you can earn more money and build wealth. This oil is blended mild enough for wear, for bath, but strong enough for a diffuser. It’s great for candle work and offering. Want an extra kick? Soak a citrine crystal in this oil for a full 8 days and then take the crystal and bury at the foot of a tree in your yard or at the foot of a tree you use to manifest.
Get Over It Oil
$39.99O-0374Oil blended to help you get over it and on with your life. Blended to give you the boost you need to get over the stuff that hurt you and hindered you, this oil gives some happiness back and shifts your energy to move forward. Great for wear, bath, diffuser, for meditation and in spell work. Always do a skin test first.
Glamour Me Oil
$33.00O-0235Infused with mesmerizing essences and the energy of beauty and attraction. This oil is perfect for healing self esteem issues and also for performing glamours in which you shift your appearance and appeal in the eyes of others.
Goddess Oil
$33.00O-0360Awaken the divine within you and feed her the energy of freedom and acceptance with this favorite MM blend. The first oil ever created by Emme Rain. It is truly a mystical treat. Over 30,000 bottles sold and counting! Great for bath and soaks, to wear over the body and of course candle magick and diffusers. Set your intention to see yourself differently, fully. This oil elevates you and by shifting your vibration, it changes how others respond to you.
Grace of the Ancients Oil
$39.99O-0214Cover yourself with grace, wisdom and be guided by the ancient ones. May also be used to help attain higher level initiations and passage into restricted aspects of the Akashic Records. Can be used in candles, diffuser, worn, bathe in or dabbed over third eye and crown to make clear connections during meditation or before bed.
Grace of Yemaya Oil
$33.00O-0301Bring in the grace and blessing of Yemaya, the Great Mother. Work with Yemaya to heal from a broken heart, deep hurt from betrayals, to assist with grief over loss or death, or to launch more into your divine power. She’s a healer and great at guiding in the art of healing. She brings balance and wisdom. Use a dropper of oil in your diffuser to release her energy throughout your home. Add a dropper to candles when doing spells or rituals. Great for bath and meditation time as well.
Gremory Oil
$39.99O-0341Duke of Hell that governs twenty-six legions of demons. He tells all things past, present and future, things about hidden treasures, and procures the love of women, young and old, but especially maidens. He is sometimes depicted as appearing in the form of a beautiful woman with the crown of a duchess tied around her waist, and riding a camel. In some systems Gremory is considered a feminine energy instead of masculine.
Gula Oil
$33.00O-0352Gula, the goddess of healing, health, wellness of mind, body and spirit. She works quickly and brings about lasting results. She also heals bloodline traumas. Bath in 2 droppers full every night for a week to absorb physical healing and help improve your overall wellness. Dress candles with a full dropper and also works well with 2 droppers in foot soaks.
Hathor Oil
$33.00O-0318The goddess of love, home, family, restoration, and familial wealth.
Healing Arts Oil
$33.00O-0222Amplify your natural healing abilities for your body, mind and emotions. Use Healing Arts to heal your mind, body and spirit. It’s the energy of harmonized flow and wholeness. It is like shamanism in a bottle calling up all the sacred healing magick of the earth and the alignment power of Universal energy. Apply over the chakra area, use in bath, diffuser, all healing rituals or spells, etc. Make sure to do a skin test before applying over a large area to ensure there are no skin sensitivities because this oil does have high grade essential oils.
Heart Chakra Oil
Hecate Oil
$33.00O-0310The keeper of keys, road opener, watcher of the way, goddess of secrets and initiations.
Hide Me Oil
$33.00O-0281Cloaking oil used to hide either you or your work. Also can hide information in your Akashic Records or history.
Honey Hole Oil
$33.00O-0535Tap into the sweet spot of life, where things are good for you in love and money, where you can FEEL your power and see it in action. Honey Hole is an amazing bath and wear oil to infuse a sweet and enchanting energy into your aura, attract whatever you desire, and use pleasure magick. Great for candle work and diffusers. Excellent when added to an offering.
Horus Oil
$33.00O-0512Horus, the great Heru, is the sky god of war, the god of the morning star, the god of restoration. He is one of few gods connected with both the sun and moon, to represent the fullness of life. He is a dynamic protector but also great when learning or expanding your magick. Use this oil in the diffuser, bath, candle magick and as an offering.
Impenetrable Defense Oil
$33.00O-0277Keep your aura sealed and fortified and your spiritual guards up with this blend of protective herbs and oils. Use to seal and fortify your aura, this oil blocks energy vampires and leeches, helps to stop empathic sickness that comes from being unable to disconnect from the pain of those around you and more. It is a shield that many healers swear by. Over 20,000 customers swear by the power of this protective tool. Wear, bath, candle magick and diffuser, it works. *Do a skin test before applying over entire body.
In Focus Oil
$33.00O-0426Bring your desires and direction into clear focus! In focus is a multiple use oil that is blended through 4 processes to assist with bringing your goals, your desires and your direction into focus. It is great for clearing mental chatter and clutter and helping you to focus on what’s important, especially in difficult times. It is great for assisting with visualization of your desired manifestations. It’s phenomenal at assisting with releasing doubt and disappointment. It works on your energy but also on your mind to bring them into agreement. One for the most powerful focus oils we have, it partners well with Mental Clarity, Fulfillment and Manifestation oils and candles.
Inanna Oil
$33.00O-0313Summon the primordial goddess, the dominant mother, conqueror divine, Inanna. She is queen of heaven and often considered the embodiment of Venus herself.
Infernal Oil
$44.00O-0499Infernal, the fire of the soul. The energy of the infernal realm is captured in this product. Created as a soul and vitality restoring blend, Infernal helps you tap into deeper secrets both within yourself and the Universe as a whole. The first flames of life raged here and any flame can be rekindled. Use Infernal oil as a divination tool to get deeper into your origins, to see soul truth and to heal any damage to your soul. It may also be used to tap into infernal magick for protection, life-lengthening work, for cosmic workings and to tap into triune magick (primordial-infernal-universal).
Influential Oil
$44.00O-0509Influence is the ability to impact the thoughts, emotions, behaviors and characters of others. To be influential is to have a part of someone else’s development. The influencer is a leader, guiding those who seek direction in life. Influential is intricate weaver magick that helps you craft a life of power for yourself, fortifying you against hubris, poverty, lack of appreciation, lack of direction and many other things that happen when you fail to walk in your power. Influential is YOU walking IN your power and helping others do the same in whatever way you rock at! It is wealth energy weaved together with enchantments and glamours, weaved together with protection and baneful energy rebound, weaved together with ascension, weaved together with primordial knots and blessed by Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Moon and Venus energy. UNBREAKABLE MAGICK. Only you can undo what you build with this. For bath, wear, diffuser, candle magick, offering and soaks!
Inheritance Oil
$44.00O-0503Tap your ancestral lineage to create abundance in your now reality. Protect the abundance you are creating both now and in the future. This magick works in both directions, creating a new financial and intellectual paradigm for your family, and surrounds it with amplified protection. This is called ancestral wealth accumulation magick and it is powerful. Work with this blend consistently and add it to all your wealth, money and spiritual power workings. You should begin to feel the accumulation of energy from those before and those who will come after. It’s powerful! Great for bath, ritual and candle work, offering or wear. Always do a skin test as it has a high concentration of essential oils.
Inner Eye Oil
$33.00O-0223Give energy to your third eye and increase your imaginative abilities and mental acuity.
Intensity Oil
$33.00O-0241Adds energy and power to your rituals and spells. This oil can be worn or bathed in to bring energy to your body when you’re exhausted.
Inti Oil
$33.00O-0355Incan sun god that provides direction, clarity and protection. Use this oil to summon or energize him, or to add the energy of divine solar energy to your ritual work
Intuition Oil
$44.00O-0432Strengthen your intuition to cosmic levels and protect yourself from the projections of others and your own inner shadows that can throw you off. Intuition is blended for 4 distinct purposes but the uses don’t stop there. Created to help you learn the vibration of true intuition, it protects from the projections of others, your inner fears and biases, prior experiences and deceptions. This oil is used to assist you with getting attuned within to receive divine messages and guidance and to hear more clearly from your oversoul and spiritual team. It heightens your reception of frequency and assists with gaining understanding of the things you receive. Use in bath, over your crown and third eye, keep burning in your diffuser or oil warmer, and use in your candle work.
Invocation Oil
$39.99O-0252Oil used to invoke deities and elementals.
Isis Oil
$33.00O-0308The walker of realms, great mother, protectress, chief of all mystics, Goddess Isis.
Jackpot Oil
$44.00O-0529Hit a lick! Call in a lump sum, hit a jackpot, turn up the volume in your money work. Jackpot is about that lucky stroke that turns things around in your life. Use in candles, in bath, diffusers, on hands like a moisturizer, add to daily body care products and more.
Jade Emperor Oil
$39.99O-0253Work with the Jade Emperor to create wealth for your entire bloodline. Clear ancestral, blood, and karmic debts. Also to understand the vibration of commerce and much more.
Just Desserts Oil
$39.99O-0239Just Desserts is a triple blended oil, it was created to attract back what you have given out when reciprocity is slow in coming from those you've helped. It can be used to cast karmic debt or weight on others who have wronged you as well. Ultimately, it is all about you feeling good and getting what you deserve.
Kali Ma Oil
$33.00O-0295Kali Ma is dark wisdom and love, but also destruction and protection. She is primordial and an asset to those who can call forth a relationship with her. Pro Tip: When calling forth Kali, lay out a black or dark blue cloth. Sprinkle some hibiscus flowers around the sacred space and add a little lemon juice to her water. Mantra: Om Kring Kalikaye Namo Namaha
Key of Me Oil
$33.00O-0424Operate in the most beautiful key of YOU! This blend accentuates the greatness within.
Kinetic Oil
$33.00O-0514Kinetic energy is the energy generated by motion and friction. This energy can be used to manifest, to heal, to expand, to restore. Kinetic energy is plentiful and easy to harness into agreement with your spiritual work. This oil is great for bath, wear, use over pulse points or chakras, as a meditative companion, in your spell or ritual candles, in your diffuser at home and at work, or auto. It’s a multi-use superstar designed to help you gather kinetic and free energy.
King Bael Oil
$39.99O-0393King Bael is an often misunderstood energy. An olden one, he is the energy to teach you and guide you, filled with wisdom and power across all planes of physical existence, he is the energy to help elevate you into royal positions of sovereignty.
King Balam Oil
$44.00O-0396Balam is a king and keeper of dark arts. He is a master of time and helps his students learn the art of time manipulation. Balam is known to give answers perfected to the hearer, but also teaches those who work with him how to hear across languages and even Universal frequencies.
King Belial Oil
$39.99O-0394Belial, often made synonymous with Satan, is the energy of spiritual and physical freedoms. He calls forth maturity and teaches consequences as the first consideration of thought, words and deeds, but does not violate free will. He is the literal embodiment of cause and effect and the personification of freedom wielded in wisdom. He is the antithesis to robotic society and stands as a proponent for individual greatness.
King Tut Oil
$55.00O-0507King Tutankhamun was a divine avatar of Amun-Ra and brought correction to Egyptian spirituality and religion. He is most renowned for restoring temples, images and artifacts of the old gods and allowing people to reconnect with their history. This is something very few pharaohs ever allowed. He is also one of the few pharaohs honored as a walking divine while he lived. The King Tut oil was created to help tap into your personal spiritual history and pull in the wealth of knowledge, power and abundance that lies in reclaiming all of yourself. Most importantly, this oil helps you to activate divine power within yourself, waking up the energy of the divine aspects within you as well as amplifying any divine missions you may have been born to.
King Zagan Oil
$39.99O-0395Zagan is a king of hell and leader amongst shifters, Djinn and other high activity demonic orders. He represents the blending of strength, intelligence, cunning and most of all, transmutation. He is a master of the elements and performs perfect sorceries for those who work with him. Work with him to amplify any of these attributes in your life or to have a guide through sorcery, shifting and other dark arts.
Kubera Oil
$44.00O-0422Kubera, the god of wealth and guardian of the world, is infused with the fullness of his energy and grace, guidance and divine protection. Working with Kubera is a commitment to elevation that involves more than money and riches. Kubera calls his students higher, helping them to embrace divinity as a reality. But his nature is one of abundance and opulence. He balances the spiritual and natural in a harmonious way in your life. He guides toward lasting wealth and shows how to implement long term wealth producers in your life. Suggested offering if you are new to working with him - flower petals with honey
Kundalini Awakening Oil
$44.00O-0283If you’ve wanted to experience the serpent energy, this oil is for you. This blend calls to the kundalini energy resting at the base of your spine and awakens it gently. It helps to clear blockages that cause disruptive, painful kundalini rising events. Powerful blend of herbs and essential oils infused with intention.
Lady of Death Oil
$39.99O-0251Oil blended for necromancy, veil walking, astral warfare and protection, as well as for tapping into your spiritual ancestry. Great for putting non-beneficial energy and habits to death to redirect energy into more positive directions. Curio item.
Laima Oil
$33.00O-0303The embodiment of fate and good fortune, Laima is an asset to all lives. Assisting those who work with her in bringing good circumstances into play and attracting opportunity. She helps you to transmute your energy to flow in a more beneficial way and helps to establish a more positive paradigm.
Lasting Love Oil
$33.00O-0376Used to draw lasting love into your life, one that is a vibrational match to you.
Law of Love Oil
$39.99O-0244Invoke the law of love in your life. Work to ensure you always get the most beneficial outcome and that you incur no karmic kickback with your work. Pro Tip: No matter what kind of working you have in front of you, the Law of Love neutralizes karma by being the controlling force or energy behind creating your desired outcome. Place several drops to each of your candles to purify any kickback from your rituals or spells.
Legacy Oil
$44.00O-0406The oil of legacy and lasting inheritance! Legacy oil is blended to assist with building and securing a lasting legacy that your bloodline can thrive from. It is blended with ancestral empowerment and amplification of their energy and infused with the energy of Jupiter and Saturn working in communion with the Sun and Pluto. Very powerful and intricate magick in the oil. Use in candle magick, rituals, for offering to be added to libation, for bath, diffuser and more. DO NOT CONSUME!
Lilith Oil
$33.00O-0293Summoning the queen of femininity, goddess of divine feminine empowerment. Mother and warrior, get to know this fierce energy.
Lucid Oil
$44.00O-0437To be aware is to be alive. Wake up to yourself, your true identity and your purpose. This is ascension, elevation and empowerment in a single oil.
Lucifer Oil
$44.00O-0327The summoning and conjuring blend to bring forth the father of lights, the prince of air, the great enlightener, Lucifer. Pro Tip: Place a dropper full of Lucifer oil in the palm of your left hand. Set the intention to align with and receive knowledge and empowerment from Lucifer. Rub together between both hands vigorously until the palms are warm. Place your left palm over your crown and your right palm over your third eye area and close your eyes. Take 3 deep, cleansing, slow breaths and allow the flow to happen.
Lucky Muthafucka Oil
$39.99O-0536The oil for the radiance within. This oil attracts luck, prosperity, favor, serendipitous encounters and pulls you out of obscurity. You will be noticed, tended to. You will feel amazing! Luck has that affect. Wear over pulse points (always do a skin test first), use in your bath or soaks, add to your candles, diffuser or oil warmers.
Lunar Whispers Oil
$33.00O-0266Oil blend designed to unlock your subconscious and put you in alignment with your hidden self. Infused with lunar energy, this oil is a huge help in your magickal, mystical and self love work.
Lux of Lakshmi Oil
$33.00O-0294Summon and infuse yourself with the energies of this dynamic mother, sister, wife. Lakshmi represents the best of divinity and humanity. Now known as Lux of Lakshmi oil
Luxurious Oil
$44.00O-0234This Lakshmi inspired blend is filled with the vibrations of lushness, abundance, love, adoration, and self acceptance. In short, it is a celebration in a bottle.
Lyran Oil
$33.00O-421This starseed call oil is for the Lyran star system and the beings who carry that energy. It’s a powerful alignment tool. Add 2 droppers to your bath water when doing bath work or healing baths. Great for creating a hand or foot soak with a dropper full. Use the water as warm as you are comfortable to activate the oils and herbs.
Ma’at Oil
$33.00O-0350Summon the lady of wisdom, justice and balance, the illustrious goddess Ma’at. Ma’at oil is used for summoning and infusing her energy into your life and spiritual work. She represents justice, truth and wholeness. She also represents and brings balance to the life of those who work with her. It is recommended to work with her for 44 straight days to get the most out of the relationship and to maintain an ongoing relationship with her.
Magnetic Oil
$44.00O-0496Universal Attraction! I know you’re tired of working for every good thing that comes your way. Attraction is the answer and no other product on the market holds more power of Universal pull than Magnetic! Created to amplify your ability to call what you most desire, The Magnetic oil was created over a wealth sigil and ritually charged. This oil is great for all your manifestation, law of attraction, healing and life-elevating work. Use in your candles, making a circle clockwise to pull what you desire. Use in your diffuser, 2 droppers, to set the energy of attraction in your home or office. Use in bath or in offerings.
Maia Oil
$33.00O-0354Mother of Hermes, one of the 7 Pleiadian sisters, goddess who brings increase and balance. She is the embodiment of healing sound and nourishing energy.
Majesty Oil
$44.00O-0425Calling in royal privilege and power, this oil is a daily use and a life tool! It’s created to get things moving in the right direction for you RIGHT NOW. When you’re sure of what you want and who you want to be, then you’re ready for Majesty!
Mami Wata Oil
$33.00O-0347The fierce, protective, independent energy of Mami Wata is infused into this oil and ready to make an appearance in your life.
Mammon Oil
$44.00O-420Old god of wealth, the personification of money and material possessions! Mammon, the personification of wealth and money, is an old god, originally worshipped by the Chaldeans but much older than them. While many consider Mammon the god of greed, he is actually the answer to greed. Mammon does not just give you everything you want, but helps you to clarify your desires, and takes the summoning party deeper into themselves to see what things are necessary for a great life and what things aren’t. He is a guide, similar to a grandfather with wisdom and kindness. He is expansive and gives more opportunities than almost any other wealth deity known to mankind. Use him in bath, in candles, but for a very personal experience, rub down in the oil before bed to call him up into your dreams and teach you. Make sure to do a skin test first to make sure you can tolerate the oil directly on the skin. Great for diffusers and hair as well. Try working with him for 44 days in a row.
Manat Oil
$33.00O-0511Manat is the goddess of destiny. She is the mistress of time, purveyor of dark arts and holder of ancient spiritual artifacts. She is also the goddess of death, one who sits in the void. This goddess is embodied primordial wisdom who guides toward rebirth and mastery, as well as protection.
Manifestation Oil
$33.00O-0226Get what you want by adding the energy necessary to manifest it through this powerful oil blend. You give it the assignment and it adds energy to it. Can be worn, used in candle magick, baths, diffusers but especially powerful in hot foot soaks and used in hand washes.
Marduk Oil
$33.00O-0351The god of magick and father of humanity, Marduk is considered the son of Ea in some traditions. Very powerful watery energy that represents that which is hidden and bringing order to that which is revealed.
Marie Laveau Oil
$39.99O-0528Famous conjure woman of New Orleans, Marie Laveau was a mover and shaker in life, but now in the realm of ancestors, she is the perfect teacher for conjure, channeling and assists with clairaudience, helping you to hear what matters to your life and any conversations with your name ringing in them. She was a queen of dark arts and illusion. Now you can feel her energy and learn the art of conjure with her as your tutor.
MarsMentum Oil
$33.00O-0267One of the MM customer’s favorite oil blends of all time, this is an oil of action, movement, momentum, progress and evolution. This Mars empowered oil is a must have in your life, work and magick. Wear or use in candle magick, diffusers or in bath.
Marta the Dominator Oil
$33.00O-0321Marta the Dominator is a powerful force in island practice and is known to be protective and very powerful in the dark arts. She dominates her opponent or the opponent of those she works with and grants the upper hand in circumstances where you may be overpowered. She is a leveler and a warrior, but there are healing aspects to her.
Masterful Oil
$55.00O-0403Masterful is charged with the energy of mastery, which is balance, harmony, control and power. This blend is great for wear, bath and specifically blended for head work. Use it in ritual, spells, to dress candles and in water or offerings. It is supercharged, and cycled through multiple deities, blended with Saturn, Mercury and Venus energies, a dynamic which gives it cosmic balance to bring more power to every aspect of life from love to healing to manifestation.
Matrimony Oil
$39.99O-0375Adopt the frequency of love, commitment, marriage, fidelity and happiness with this triple blessed blend.
Meditation Oil
$33.00O-0217Calm your mind and have a better meditative experience. Quieten your mind. Relax into a comfortable relationship with yourself. Meditation is quality time spent within witnessing the truth of your soul. Meditation is learning your own energetic frequency and how to identify when something is for you or not. Meditation is the foundation of all mysticism and occult power. Blended for bath, wear, diffuser and candle work, this blend is a gentle ally. Use it daily for awhile and your body will learn the frequency of the meditative state.
Mental Clarity Oil
$33.00O-0224Mental Clarity is powerful energy to help clear mental clutter and fog. It is really great for wear over the temple and crown, as well as third eye. It is great for bath work but can also be used in your healing and self love work in candles and water. You can also use in your diffuser. Close your eyes and see yourself absorbing the clarity you need. See the clutter disappear and allow yourself to be aligned by this energy.
Mesmerize Oil
$39.99O-0382This is the enchanting and alluring magick, a blend of root work and celestial glamours. It's very potent and full of pheromones. This blend literally changes your vibration during wear, bath and as a meditative companion. Great for spells and rituals and can be used as an offering oil to any of the love, beauty and prosperity deities.
Millionaires Oil
$44.00O-0397Created by a millionaire for those who seek to become millionaires. This oil is blended for wear, candles, baths, foot soaks, diffusers and more. It opens the mind and helps to bring through million dollar ideas, charges up and fuels the sacral and solar plexus and helps to shift your overall vibration when worn daily. Set your intention. Know your desired number. Feel it flowing to you. Manifestation starts in the mind.
Minerva Oil
$33.00O-419The embodiment of wisdom and justice, she is the guide who assists in helping your life and your actions make sense, coalesce into something beautiful.
Mogul Oil
$44.00O-404MOGUL, the energy of winning in business and life. It is an infusion of personal wins in every area of business and includes actual money, crystals and an exotic blend of herbs/oils. Created with banking, real estate, TV, entertainment and literary power and the energies of Aje, Clauneck, Fortuna, Laima, Oya, and 3 other power players to perfect it with the infinite 8 and Jupiter energy.
Moirai Oil
$44.00O-0534Introducing the FATES! The Moirai are the beings who preside over what will be and working with them is one of the most empowering things you can do. They preside over life cycles, from creation to reset and everything in between. When manifesting, whether you believe in these beings or not, they are involved with any change of destiny, purpose, status in life.
Morrigan Oil
$33.00O-0309The summoning oil that brings Morrigan into your life, in all her power, wisdom and glory. She is warrior, protector, guide. Morrigan is a great guide during times of shifting and growing, she is a strategist and she is a warrior. Work with her and build a relationship to get the best out of her. She is the mistress of dark arts, and often found as a protective companion to those who are entering mediumship and necromancy. I recommend evoking her as a teacher, guide and protector. This oil can be used to summon, or invoke by wearing over the third eye or crown. It can be used as an offering and during ritual.
Muses Oil
$44.00O-0501The Muses are one of the most celebrated group of divine essences in existence. They are the wielders of divine inspiration and are cosmic mental influencers. These energies are usually most active in early mornings and witching hours.
Mystic Rain Oil
$44.00O-0369My signature blend of herbs and oils designed for channelers and those who cross the veil, astral travel, etc. This is the blend to enhance all your mystic powers.
Naberius Oil
$39.99O-0510Naberius, the most eloquent one, a demon often appearing as a raven or 3 head dog. He teaches cunning, dark arts, conjure, and the art of gracious living. His energy is gentle, protective, guiding and kind, like a grandfather. Great offerings for Naberius include vegetable medleys, dark liquors including whiskeys. Try working with him outside when you have an opportunity.
Nagas Oil
$39.99O-0515Awaken and celebrate serpentine energy and connect with the essence and power of the Naga. This cosmic healing energy is the power of awakened kundalini, the essence of walking in divinity. Naga are divine or semi-divine, meaning hybrids, and are water beings, some elementals who control rain and water in all of its forms. They are shapeshifters. They are considered initiators into primordial power and in some myths considered the progenitors of large segments of the human race, calling them continually to ascend.
NammU Oil
$39.99O-0538Mother of the Gods. Mother of the first humans. Primordial goddess of creation, she is the mother of the ancients, one of the first primordial embodiments. She’s powerful in creation and manifestation magick, conjure, protection, restoration and healing, and for channeling. Use her oil in bath, diffuser and ritual work. Great for candle dressings and as a companion in meditation.
Neith Oil
$33.00O-0315Summon this Egyptian road opening warrior to better your life. Neith is a creation goddess, known to bring power and acceleration into the lives of those who work with her. She is called THE WEAVER of fate, destiny and opportunity, thus many venerated her as a road opener and a goddess of war, strategy and of course wisdom. Creating a relationship with Neith requires honesty and time. She is called the Elevated One or She Who Cannot Be Known by many because she pulls you into higher realms rather than come down to the lower in most cases. Allow your relationship with her to be authentic. Be honest with her and honest about yourself. Truth endears her to you.
Nephthys Oil
$33.00O-0436The Helpful One. The Excellent One. Lady of the Air. Goddess of Crossings. Work with her for empowerment, protection, healing, activation of ancestral power and wealth, and to help during times of grief. She is an air goddess by representation so she is a goddess who teaches how to ascend and descend at will. She’s a master trainer in the dark arts.
Nike Oil
$33.00O-0525Nike is the goddess of victory, an obstacle destroying strategist, who guides with tangible wisdom, power and force. She is both fearsome in battle and gentle in life, a perfect blend for those looking to be successful in the most enjoyable way. She is also the goddess of speedy outcomes, which means she is a great companion when you need quick results. Work with her for a few weeks to acclimate yourself to how her energy feels. Her numbers are all derivatives of 7, which you may begin seeing 77 everywhere when she’s around.
Nyx Oil
$39.99O-0433The primordial goddess of illumination, she is a protectress and balancer.
Oba Oil
$33.00O-0287This oil is infused with the energy of Oba, the loyal lady of the Orisha and protector of marriage and family. Suggestions: When first starting a relationship with Oba, set up a space just for her so that you can learn her energy. She’s much more subtle than most energies but her power is constant and flowing, which makes her a great selection for those with small children or a large family.
Obatala Oil
$33.00O-0314Father, creator and healer, the god of shamans who grants wisdom and protection.
Obey Me Oil
$39.99O-0282Get others to obey your wishes or to make energy come into agreement with you. This oil is best used with consistency over the course of a 7 day period before your deadlines. Starting a minimum of 7 days before you must see your desired outcome, begin using this oil in candle work, bath and diffuser. Use the affirmation- I AFFIRM, I am the master of my domain and all things are in alignment with my intentions! For a double whammy, use with the Obey Me or Dominate candle.
Olodumare Oil
$33.00O-0289The god of gods, the Chief Orisha, creator and keeper of all things, The Most High. This oil is used to honor and/or summon him. Olodumare invocation or summoning chant for healing and protection: E leh voh alah so leh, meaning by the flesh and bone of this body, I honor the maker and call him forth!
Olokun Oil
$33.00O-0288Summon the master of emotions, spirituality and mysticism, Olokun. He is the god of the deep. He heals and balances the emotional states of those who come to him, but also he helps fortify warriors emotionally so that they do not take on trauma. He is perfect for shadow work and ancestral healing.
Open Roads Oil
$44.00O-0380Open your roads and remove blockages in your path towards success, happiness and wealth. Pro Tip: Use during your candle work and set the intention to open the road to the specific things you’re seeking to manifest. You can add to your hands before going out for your day and rub it in until your palms get warm. Set the intention that all doors of success open for you. Also great for bath time and over the third and crown during meditation.
Orobas Oil
$39.99O-0340Great Prince of Hell, truth revealer. He gives true answers of things past, present and future, divinity, and the creation of the world. He also confers dignities and prelacies, and the favour of friends and foes. Orobas is faithful to the conjurer and never deceives anyone. He is depicted as a horse that changes into a man.
Ose Demon Oil
$39.99O-0332Pro Tip: Work with Ose during times when you are seeking to create something, whether a business, a literary work, or maybe classes or courses. He is also great to work with during channeling. He is an energy that grows stronger as you maintain the relationship with him. Look to give him offerings at least twice per week, libation of warm sweet water or wine is preferred. Add his oil to your tealights and oil warmers as an offering. Use in candle magick and rituals to add his element to any work you’re doing. Pairs well with Reveal All as well when it comes to discovering secrets that may be affecting you and your bloodline. Offering suggestions- grilled meat, dark teas, honey, coffee
Oshun Oil
$33.00O-0297Call forth the beautiful and abundant energy of Oshun, goddess of the rivers, love, beauty and fertility.
Ostara Oil
$33.00O-0304Goddess of the spring time, new beginnings and fertility. Summon her when you are ready to start something new or bring fresh energy into something old. During times of meditation and trance, wear this oil over the crown, third eye and over the solar plexus chakras to infuse her inspiration into these areas. Use this oil as her offering and add to candles burned on her behalf.
Oversoul Oil
$44.00O-0384Oversoul is the celebration of inner unity, an oil created to bring clarity between you and your divine self, one that can infuse energy and power. An energetic tool to assist with walking in divine alignment, especially during tough times. It is great for offering, candle magick, water magick, sex magick, blood magick and much more. Many love it for the diffuser as the smell is DIVINE but also for bath time.
Oya Oil
$33.00O-0286Experience the power of the veilwalking goddess, Orisha of the storms and also the marketplace, Oya. Oya is the goddess of change, of the marketplace and also a storm bringer who removes all dead weight and the things that have you in bondage. As the Creatrix behind much of the Emme Rain brand, she is proven to show up time and again for those who work with her. Wear her oil, mix with your lotion, use in baths, diffusers and in candle work. Add to your libation to intensify the power of the offering before pouring it upon the earth. Leave a bottle at the gates of the cemetery when working with her darker energy toward mediumship and ancestral elevation.
Pachamama Oil
$33.00O-0306The embodiment of the earth, stabilizing force of nature, powerful spiritual ally in creating a foundation. Pro Tip: Write down your intentions for a better life with details and bury it in your yard. Pour daily libation over that area. For added power, get the candles and keep them burning weekly. Sunday and Monday are great days for Pachamama work.
Parvati Oil
$33.00O-0296Work with the illustrious energy of the beautiful and wise Parvati.
Pay Me Oil
$44.00O-0498You’ve given time. You’ve put a lot of energy out there for others. You’ve invested your money. Maybe they didn’t reciprocate, repay or even acknowledge it, maybe they weren’t able to. Either way, this oil is an amplified F—k You, Pay Me spelled oil, but intentioned for not just money. The time you’ve put into others, now others will come to put that time into you, put energy into your life and goals, and invest money into your life or business. Pay Me recalls your money, time and energy and it works extremely fast when used daily! Pay Me oil is great for diffuser, bath, candle work of all types, to wear (do a skin test first) and an excellent take with you blend.
Phoenix Oil
$39.99O-0362As an energy enhancer, this oil pulls up the essences of courage, boldness and power of the phoenix. It is a powerful addition to any protection work as well as channeling and other dark or primordial workings. Also can be used to assist with infusing the lower chakras to increase self esteem and overall well-being.
Pluton Oil
$39.99O-0400Pluton is the god of the underworld, lord of death, power, rebirth and also the great god of wealth. He is a tremendous force as strategy is his strong point and he decides which direction ancestral wealth flows. He is one of the best allies to have. He responses quickly to candle magick as well as fire divination, dark water scrying and also responds via runes. He likes meats and pastas as offerings when it concerns food, dark red wines are acceptable. But his preferred offering is time and attention. He loves to be acknowledged.
Pomba Gira Oil
$33.00O-0390Goddess of love, lust and pleasure. Pomba Gira helps to open up your pleasure centers and teaches you how to receive pleasure sexually, physically and financially. She brings true power into your life, personal power and helps you to have more resolve with your life's direction.
Poseidon Oil
$33.00O-0305Poseidon, god of water and also the creative essence and flow of life. He is often misunderstood but very much a powerful influence to work with for healing and expansion.
Pot of Gold Oil
$44.00O-418Pot of Gold is the Money Come Quickly blend that everyone has been asking for and something it took more than 8 months of work to perfect and test out. Pot of Gold is blended with the energy of luck, good fortune, opulence and lasting wealth. Combined energies of Jupiter, Mars and the Sun add speed and expansion. Plutus/Pluton, Clauneck, Aje, Oya, Lakshmi, Horus, Caishen, Hotei, Fortuna, Laima, Ostara, the muses are all invoked to further power this oil and the energy of Mercury further adds clarity and speed. Several quiet hands of power are also infused. Work with this blend through rituals and spells, wear daily for at least 88 days as the 8 is sacred in this work. Wear over crown and heart space as well as pulse points. Use in diffuser and bath. Create your own pot of coins soaked in your oil to add wealth energy to your home.
Qetesh Oil
$33.00O-0431The brilliant and powerful mistress of the gods, she is one of the most life changing. She was considered the mistress or confidant of the gods. She was one of the most trusted energies of ancient times. She is considered the mistress of magic and one of the most powerful conjurers. She teaches the dark arts and assists with obtaining positions of power and trust.
Quetzalcoatl Oil
$44.00O-0302Quetzalcoatl is the feathered serpent the Aztecs worshipped. He is the god of wind, air and intellect, which makes him a very powerful warrior and guide to have in your life. Ancient secrets are often revealed as trust is built in the relationship between you and he. Great for wear, baths, candle work or diffusers.
R$ch B$tch Oil
$33.00O-0229Add the energy of courage, wealth, power and poise. Blended for wear, bath, diffuser and candle work, this is one of the most popular and powerful oil blends created by Emme Rain.
Release Oil
$44.00O-0500Are you stuck? Do you feel that you aren’t making progress? Many times, you simply need to purge and release the things that no longer serve you, the things taking up space but not beneficial to your journey. RELEASE is the magick of letting go. It is an exhale for the soul. It helps you to identify attachments and areas where you lose energy. It helps you to let go of what does not serve you. It keeps your heart and mind balanced as you shift toward the best version of yourself. It helps improve your study time, sleep time, and even romantic connections.
Reseller Bundles
$500.00 – $12,000.00Finally, our reseller bundles have arrived. You can become an authorized Magickal Mystic reseller on your own terms at a cost you can afford, giving you tons of room to make money on your new product resell business!
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Reveal All Oil
$39.99O-0243Get to the heart of the truth in any circumstance. This oil also helps you uncover some deeper revelations about yourself.
Reverse Oil
$33.00O-0275Reverse magick sent against you, or the current tide in your life. Powerful oil. Suggested use is for candle work, but can be used in your diffuser when your home feels full of stagnant or baneful energy. Same in your place of work. Some put it in diffuser necklaces to stop the attachment of negative energies. Add to your clearing baths and head washes during particularly dark times.
Root Chakra Oil
$33.00O-0264Heals issues of identity and helps to balance you during sudden shifts in lifestyle. This oil often triggers dreams and even conversations that help you to define or redefine yourself more authentically so that you can build a life that feels good to you.
Sacral Chakra Oil
$33.00O-0263Heals, balances and energizes the sacral chakra, the seat of divine power and creativity, as well as giving and receiving pleasure. Great for those trying to release any sexual traumas or creative blockages and should be used regularly during ascension to keep your divine seat properly charged.
Sacrifice Oil
$111.00O-0429Command all that you desire based upon what is owed and who has opposed you. This is one of the strongest command oils available. Sacrifice is created to exchange energy, making a sacrifice of your hang ups, your fears and your opposition in exchange for the life you truly want to live. This is a I Command All oil, meaning you are demanding for your pain all that you desire. You are forcing the issue of your will against those and that which oppose you. It is specialty magick and a premium product, blended for the experienced practitioners and those who are doing major overhaul work on their lives.
Sallos Oil
$39.99O-0392Sallos is an authoritative figure within the hierarchy of demonic royalty, a teacher and promoter of love, especially passionate love, of courage and wielder of truth. Great anchor to add to your spirit team and quite easy to connect with.
Samael Oil
$39.99O-0292Angelic/demonic energy that brings high level protection, helps you to discover hidden things and guides you through ascension. To work with Samael, start slowly and be consistent. Incense and libation, meditation time spent with him and then work up to offerings which most times will be meat requests. This energy can be very sexually stimulating and tends to charge up the lower chakras during meditation time.
Santa Muerte Oil
$55.00O-0299Work with the energies of Lady Death herself, known for protection, training in mysticism, dark work and wealth.
Saraswati Oil
$33.00O-0408Saraswati is a goddess you should plan to work with for at least a year. She’s a methodical teacher, enlightener and healer, as well as a guide into deeper divine wisdom. She illuminates the human experience and shows the path to divinity. She is also a goddess who unleashes divine pleasures and helps the devotee to widen their perception and experience. After doing a skin test, this oil is great for goddess baths or regular baths, foot soaks, to wear, to use as an offering or libation as well as candles and diffusers.
Scandalous Oil
$39.99O-0526Scandalous, the Art of Uncovering Tap into the darker side, the side of yourself more true to your nature, but in a safe and powerful way. Uncover truth at its core, truth of yourself, the truth of others. Powerful tool for discovery, making it both an offensive and defensive tool, and it pulls triple duty with a sexual charge, making it magnificent in sex magick. Use your oil in candle, on body (always do a skin test first as it contains pure essential oils), in the diffuser to set the atmosphere, or in baths and foot soaks.
Seal of Hermes Oil
$33.00O-0268This oil is about opening doors, unlocking gates, gaining access to hidden realms and esoteric knowledge. Infused with the energy of Mercury and of Tehuti/Thoth, all workers need this oil in their work, OBEs and journeys.
Sekhmet Oil
$33.00O-0312The warrior and lion-faced goddess of Egypt that protects, defends and guides in strategy and much more.
Self Mastery Oil
$44.00O-0225Assists with achieving understanding of the self and increasing both self acceptance and self control. Blended with the energies of Saturn, encapsulating the yin and yang and Universal law of rhythm and polarity, Self Mastery oil was created to assist with balancing the inner and outer motivations and triggers that control decisions. It helps to keep the mind, heart and energy flow balanced and assists with clarity. It is best when carried, worn over pulse points and behind ears as well as over the temple area and third eye. It is great to use in baths and during shower time, or added to conditioner for head work. It can be put in a diffuser when home and used in candle work.
Sense of Saturn Oil
$33.00O-0271The power, wisdom, constraint, discipline and mastery of Saturn in a bottle, you can use this oil to amp up your divination practices, in time magick, and much more.
Serpentine Oil
Sale! Original price was: $33.00.$15.00Current price is: $15.00.O-0542Serpentine: Seeders of Humanity is an energy-infused oil crafted to awaken ancient wisdom, activate DNA codes, and align you with the primordial forces of creation. Infused with the essence of serpentine energy, this blend enhances transformation, spiritual power, and divine connection. Use it to anoint yourself, ritual tools, or sacred spaces to channel the knowledge of the ancients, changing how you walk through this life. Powerful healing energy, body and mind restoration, especially in bath work.
Servitor Oil
$39.99O-0245Create an energetic being for the purpose of expanding your reach, power, knowledge, protection or any other purpose you can conceive of. This oil assists with the creating and charging process and also for feeding it energy.
Sex God Oil
$33.00O-0377Blended with the essences that bring on strong sexual urges and attraction. This is the oil to boost your libido and bring your lover the ultimate satisfaction.
Sex Goddess Oil
$33.00O-0378Blended to turn up your sex kitty and help you enjoy your sexual encounters. Filled with pheromones and pleasure enhancing herbs, this blend really delivers quickly. Sex Goddess is a tangible shift you can feel and great when doing sex magick or just to enhance pleasure. After use, take a warm bath to neutralize the effects of the herbal essences. Always do a skin test before rubbing over your whole body.
ShadowSeekers Oil
$39.99O-0274This is a blend for those who want to do personal shadow work and also for those who want to work in the shadows. This blend can be used for those who seek to learn the realms and dimensions of life. It can be used to learn the dimensions within yourself. It is also an offering oil to dark energies, those primordial in nature.
Shakti Embrace Oil
$39.99O-0285The creative, feminine principle in pure energy form, this oil brings you into close contact with her grace, wisdom and sure power. Awaken the energy of divine motherhood and protector in your life.
Shango Oil
$33.00O-0291Work with Shango on a continual basis for ongoing protection over you and your family. Also a great energy to add to your wealth work.
Shapeshifter Oil
$44.00O-0516The energy of the shifters collected and infused into this oil to help you tap into high level energy manipulation. Great for shifting your physical and emotional energy, as well as taking on specific energetic signatures as you journey. This blend has Lemurian, Draconian, Lyran and Arcturian energy, infused for shielded glamours and protection. Great for accessing information, for protection, and for cloaking in work.
Shax Oil
$39.99O-0334Demon of deception and deep cloaking. Use to silence your enemies, deceive your opposition. Also can be used to assist with air magic as well as tapping into chaos to rise in influence. There are many aspects to Shax.
Shielded Oil
$44.00O-0508Life can be difficult to navigate sometimes. If you are an empath or spiritual worker, there is the added issue of psychic attacks and attachments. This oil is blended specifically for psychic protection and great for wear, ritual, diffusers and bath or other water magick. (Always do a skin test first)
Solar Plexus Chakra Oil
$33.00O-0262Balances and energizes the solar plexus to assist with issues of confidence, esteem, physical energy and boldness to act upon your personal truths. Often overlooked, many people do not understand the importance of keeping this chakra aligned and balanced, and thoroughly charged. This oil is great for charging, balancing and aligning this chakra and is best used in bath and wear or in healing ritual or spell work.
Sorath Oil
$39.99O-410The dark lord, also called the dark side of the sun…. Very dynamic and powerful energy to add to your life for wisdom and wealth, as well as protection. Sorath has been known by many names. A solar deity, he is often called the sun demon, the darker side of the sun. He is an energy that deals with primordial energy for protection, creation and guidance. He represents the breaking of all chains, thus mental, physical and emotional freedom, sexual freedom and financial freedom. But he guides for wise use of freedom as well.
Soul Cleanse Oil
$39.99O-0359Designed to provide deep cleansing and clearing of wounds and scars to the soul, helping to mend soul fractures and traumas. *Always do a skin test before applying to large areas of the body.
Soul Snatch Oil
$33.00O-0237Oil used to enhance sexual desire for the woman. It encourages and helps to pull energy from sex magick and draw a compatible lover. It can be rubbed on or used to set the ambience in a room in an oil diffuser, oil warmer, or in candle work, etc.
Starseed Alignment Oil
$39.99O-0272Blend meant to help you align with and remember who you are and where you resonate from. This blend was created during the second Sacred Seal ritual and energy was shored up for 90 days and through 2 moon cycles and other astrological occurrences. VERY POWERFUL!
Succubus Oil
$39.99O-0495Succubus is a divine energy of sexual transmutation, moving pleasure into alignment with your goals, creating beneficial intimate relationships of all sorts, and understanding the vibration and flow of pure creative energy. Succubi are feminine divine energies that operate through the root and sacral chakras for balance, healing, pure pleasure, manifestation and more. Succubus have the ability to harm or help, it is up to YOU and the intention you set.
Sugar Daddy Oil
$33.00O-0231Increase your chances of drawing someone into your life who will want to be good to you and invest in your life. Powerful oil for drawing a man of means. Draw in beneficial and reciprocal relationships where you will be supported and well taken care of. Sugar Daddy isn’t just about the man, but the support. In fact, it works on friendships too, but there is a sexual element to this oil, a strong attraction spell was used to infuse it. So use WITH CLEAR INTENTION!
SunBlissed Oil
$33.00O-0265This sun kissed oil is infused with actual solar energy all the while protecting the integrity of the oil. Blended with vibrant herbs to add power, knowledge and illumination to your life and workings.
Supay Oil
$33.00O-0307Incan god of death, keeper of order in the underworld, guide for necromancers and mediums, Supay is protective and wise. This oil is great for working with, summoning and energizing him.
Surgat Oil
$39.99O-0339Surgat, the opener of locks and one who unveils deep mysteries in the mind. He is an initiator and a watcher who guides humanity. Many demon forms are benevolent but he is one of the most generous, loving and patient educators.
Synergy 12 Oil
$44.00O-03611Powerful oil blend that captures the ascension power of the 12 stones of power, the synergy stones, reported to assist in swift ascension and soul evolution. This oil is a meditative tool and great for diffusers and bath or foot soaks, but is pleasant enough to be worn.
Tehuti Oil
$33.00O-0489The god of knowledge, lunar in nature, helps to bestow an emotional intelligence in life in the same way he represents all knowledge. Tehuti is a friend to mankind, ruling over science and arts including astrology, astronomy and language. Working this deity will assist with gaining knowledge, elevating above your current station and evolving in alignment with the Universe. Tehuti is great for students, and anyone who desires more mental clarity and direction in life. His oil can be worn but do a skin test first. Great also for diffuser, for candles, to add to libation offering water and for bath or soaks.
Tera Oil
$33.00O-0533Tera, known also as Gaia, is the goddess of Earth. She is said to be Earth embodied. Excellent in wealth work, healing and restoration, she is one of the most serene powerhouses to have on your Spirit Team.
Throat Chakra Oil
$33.00O-0260Helps to balance the throat so that you may speak and live your truth with boldness but also helps with over sharing and speaking too much in times when silence is your friend. Balance is key.
Tiamat Oil
$33.00O-0357Tiamat, queen of dragons, she who can summon across any veil, protector of the divine royals.
Trance Oil
$33.00O-0218Tap into trance and deepen your connection with your subconscious mind.
Transmutation Oil
$39.99O-0246Alchemy in a bottle, this transmutation oil helps you to turn the tide of the energy in your life and shift non-beneficial energies into beneficial ones.
Treasures of Vasudhara Oil
$44.00O-0373Newar goddess of wealth and prosperity, full of ideas and paths that garner you wealth and adoration. Pro Tip: Use Treasures during your manifestation work when you desire wealth. Add a dropper to your foot soak, a dropper to your hand wash and 3 droppers to your body lotion. Add 3 droppers to your bath or diffuser. Call forth Vasudhara and ask her to fill you with her wisdom and favor. Work with her for a full 13 days.
Triumphant Oil
$44.00O-0487This Victorious Jubilation is a vibration that lifts the heart, the mind and the soul. It is not just evolving, but doing it happily. It’s the winning hand in life. You are TRIUMPHANT! This oil is blended for regular, daily use. Use it in your bath, as part of your grooming, in your diffuser throughout your home and/or office, great to add to a diffuser necklace, and most powerful when added to your spell and ritual or offering candles. Can also be used in your hair and to anoint your crown chakra.
Undeniable Oil
$44.00O-0238Get what you want and call forth what you are due through this dark energy blend. You take up the helm and become asker and answerer as well as receiver.
Unspeakable Oil
$39.99O-0242Some things you do should never be uttered. The work shows for itself. Cloak your work, shut the mouth of your enemies and chatter box friends. Block your universal conversation from listening ears, prying eyes and probing minds. Unspeakable is infused with the energy of silent moves and secrecy.
Vassago Oil
$39.99O-0391Vassago is an old god of royal stature. He is called The Knower because he weighs and understands possibilities and potentialities, helping those who he chooses to work with to weigh out their decisions and carefully choose the options that get them to their destination. He reveals things past, present and future and thus he is a companion to diviners. Great for understanding time magick as well.
Veilwalkers Oil
$39.99O-0370Blended and blessed to help you navigate the veil between worlds with added protection. Great for necromancy, mediumship and channeling. Can be worn to bed, used in baths, foot soaks, diffusers and candles.
Virtues of Venus Oil
$33.00O-0270The power, wisdom, feminine energy and other attributes of the celestial body Venus. Can be used with any Venus associated deities or to call in the virtues like a summoning oil. Very powerful blend for serious channelers and those skilled at working with powerful energies.
Vishnu Oil
$33.00O-0349The wise and beneficent god Vishnu awaits a close relationship with you. His energy is life changing. Working with Vishnu helps to shift life into a state of ease, grace, health and mental wellness. He alleviates stress and guides into wisdom and application of knowledge that helps you achieve a state of balance and satisfaction in life. Put 2 droppers in your oil warmer or diffuser to soak your home in his energy. Great for bath, for wear. Place over crown and third eye for channeling. Add to rituals and spell candles.
Wadjet Oil
$33.00O-0311This is one of the strongest energies to have on your side, the incomparable Wadjet.
Warrior Oil
$44.00O-0434Defend yourself. Defend your right to live free and whole. Defend your wealth. Destroy all opposition. Our first ever Furies infused oil for protection, Warrior is an activation of the aspects within that fortify you. It is a calling forth of all protective forces aligned with you. It is blended to defend and to destroy. Defend yourself and all that you love. Destroy every opposing force that comes against you. Blended mild enough for wear, please remember these oils draw power from ritual, sigil and infusions. Very powerful as an addition to your personal care before work or meetings or any other situations where you may experience opposition. Powerful in candle work, spells, rituals, on petitions or even used in the diffuser.
Wealth of the Wicked Oil
$44.00O-0399Wealth of the Wicked is an oil blended to take the spoils of the enemy once they have declared themselves an enemy through their actions against you. Harness all the negative energy being sent to call in the things you actually desire. This is transmutation on 1000.
Wealth of Wisdom
$39.99O-0366Wealth of Wisdom is a blend to bring in ancient wisdom from your bloodline, your spirit team and to tap into the knowledge of past lives. This is a channeling oil, meaning that it can cause lucid dreams and downloads of information. Wear it, bathe in it or use in your candles and diffusers.
Winner’s Circle Oil
$39.99O-0537Winner’s Circle, the energy of arrival to success, to the upper echelon in your field, to position, power and prosperity! This 8 way infused blend is a cosmic celebration of YOU. It is for opulence, support and positioning. Wonderful daily wear/bath/meditation blend. Excellent in dedicated rituals and spellwork, to dress candles and to use in your diffuser at home or the office. Stick this one in your bag and take it with you everywhere you go.
World Domination Oil
$44.00O-0423One of the most potent magickal oils created by Magickal Mystic, World Domination is a universal enchantment. WORLD DOMINATION, the oil to Enchant Them All. This oil was created for public figures of all sorts from politicians to musicians or speakers and authors. If it’s important that you be liked, loved, supported, this oil is for you! Great for daily bath and soaks. Add 2 droppers in your bath water or foot soak. Add oil to your candles for ritual and spell work. Add to water before pouring libation. Add in your diffuser or oil warmer to fill your home with the enchantment. Add to your hand moisturizer, wear drops on your pulse points. (Always do a skin test first)